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I Don't Know Why - Bill Castner
This is a short clip of Bill Castner calling the singing call I Don't Know Why (Sets In Order record # 1119) from a dance recorded in 1960. View itemSound
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry (clip) - Doc Alumbaugh
This dance is based on a song that was made popular by the Andrews Sisters in 1949. A YouTube recording is available here. View itemSound
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry - Herbie Gaudreau
Classic singing square, here in a live recording (1960s?) with caller Herbie Gaudreau. Today's contra callers probably know Gaudreau better than do contemporary square dance callers; his Becket Reel… View itemSound
Hurry Hurry Hurry - Ted Glabach
Ted Glabach calling to recorded instrumental; a transcription of his his calls can be found on p. 26 of the interview conducted with him by Steve Green.A more detailed description of this dance as… View itemSound
Hurry Hurry Hurry - Marvin Shilling, live, 1953
Jim Mayo: I believe this is the figure used by Doc Alumbaugh in the original Windsor Records recording. The method of setting up lines of four is unusual today. At the time this recording was made in… View itemStill Image
Huntington's Pavilion, E. Thetford, VT
We often think of the boom years of square dancing taking place starting in the late 1940s and early 1950s, but there is a long history of halls for square dancing before then. This is a series of… View itemWebsite
How To Square Dance series
This square dance video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Ocean Wave, Swing Thru, Run (Boys, Girls, Centers, Ends), Pass the Ocean, Trades (Boys, Girls, Ends, Centers),… View itemDocument
How To Put On & Make Successful The Country Dance Party
This 16-page booklet is credited to Beth Tolman, though it's safe to assume that Ralph Page (her co-author of The Country Dance Book, published in 1937) had a hand in part of the text. It's a simple… View itemMoving Image
How Squares Evolved – Tony Parkes
Dance caller and historian Tony Parkes leads a workshop on how square dancing changed from traditional forms to modern squares as found in MWSD clubs. He starts by looking at "swoopies," circular… View item
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