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Houston Square Dance History
Detailed history of the growth of square dancing in the Houston area in the years after World War II. It includes a summary of highlights from the area's annual square dance festival that started in… View itemSound
Hotshot Callers - Joe Lewis
In this recording, Joe Lewis highlights the plight of an average square dancer who just wants to go out for an evening of fun. Instead, he's confronted by a hotshot caller using all manner of… View itemSound
Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight - Ted Sannella
Ted Sannella rarely called singing squares, but in this example of Hot Town in the Old Town Tonight, he uses patter calling at the start to help dancers learn the pattern of the dance. He then starts… View itemMoving Image
Hot Hash called by Mike Sikorsky
Mike Sikorsky calling Hot Hash at the Plus level at RIVCO in Indio, Calif. on November 12, 2011. This video also includes an interview with Mike Sikorsky, conducted and filmed by Andy Abeles. View itemDocument
Hoodoo Religion and American Dance Traditions: Rethinking the Ring Shout
Article by Katrina Hazzard-Donald looks at the relationship between African-American churches and traditional dance. As the article's summary puts it: "When one considers the history of American dance… View itemDocument
Honor Your Partner - records
Honor Your Partner was a series of rhythmic activities and dance albums, more than 20 in all, released by Ed Durlacher starting in 1949 as 78 rpm records, continuing into the 1950s and beyond as vinyl… View itemSound
Honolulu Baby (clip) - David Park Williams
From the CD set "Mostly Quadrilles," containing two CDs of called dances, 24 in all, and two CDs of just instrumental tracks, arranged by David Park Williams. Musicians are Bill J. Sparrow,… View itemMoving Image
Honest John - Adam Boyce
Traditional quadrille, recorded at an open house sponsored by the Ed Larkin Dancers, Tunbridge, Vermont, March 12, 2010. The prompter is Adam Boyce, and the musicians are Harold Luce on fiddle and his… View itemDocument
Honest John - 1950
This collection of newspaper articles all focus on the dance "Honest John," a specialty of dancers in the Upper Connecticut River Valley of New Hampshire and Vermont. Comments in italics are… View itemDocument
Honest John
Honest John is an unusual dance that was greatly admired by Ralph Page. An accompanying video shows it being danced by a group that includes some members of the Ed Larkin dancers. This file presents… View item
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