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Swing yore partner round 'n round (The Desert Magazine, 1944)
Author Oren Arnold describes square dancing in Arizona in the early 1940s: "...A rock fireplace big enough to stand in was at one end of the room, and its blaze made dancing shadows… View itemStill Image
Ed Durlacher - Central Park, photos
Photographs documenting Ed Durlacher's series of dances in Central Park, New York City. These date from August, 1946. View itemWebsite
Scottish Country Dance - 4 couple squares
Most Scottish country dances are done as four-couple longways sets. There are, however, dances in square sets, and this Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary provides a brief overview of the formation. View itemStill Image
Golden State Round Up 1964
Grand march at the Golden State Round Up, Oakland, CA, 1964. Each row is 4 squares, and there are about 50 rows That's 200 squares, or 1600 dancers. The event featured live music, with an 11… View itemDocument
Dorothy Shaw - reminiscence
Two anecdotes abut Dorothy Stott Shaw, written by Dena Fresh, a student at the Cheyenne Mountain School and a member of the Cheyenne Mountain Dancers. View itemDocument
Cheyenne Mountain Dancers - typical program
This is a typical program presented by the Cheyenne Mountain Dancers, Lloyd Shaw's demonstration team of high school students. View itemDocument
Square dance callers - photos
A series of square dance magazine covers featuring these modern square dance callers: Baldwin, Charlie Brower, Jim Brundage, Al Burdick, Stan Calhoun, Louis Castner, Bill Davis,… View itemDocument
Square Dance festival programs
This collection of more than two dozen festival programs from the 1940s until early 1960s gives a good sense of what material was being called as well as names of featured callers. In chronological… View itemMoving Image
Square Dance - Ary, KY - 1963 (4 cpl square)
see previous item A search for "Grapevine Twist" in this project's digital collection will return references, audio clips, and video clips showing that figure, including Elizabeth Burchenal's silent… View itemMoving Image
Square dance - Ary, KY - 1963 (big set)
The caller is Corbett Grigsby, with music provided by fiddler Marion Sumner and guitarists Martin Young and Roscoe Holcomb. Grigsby introduces the figure as "around behind, lady in the lead."This… View itemDocument
Henry Ford’s Dance Revival and Fiddle Contests:
Myth and Reality
Square dance enthusiasts generally know something of the important role played by Henry Ford in encouraging an American square dance revival. This lengthy article by Paul M. Gifford examines this… View itemDocument
Hoodoo Religion and American Dance Traditions: Rethinking the Ring Shout
Article by Katrina Hazzard-Donald looks at the relationship between African-American churches and traditional dance. As the article's summary puts it: "When one considers the history of American dance… View item
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