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Fiddling to Henry Ford - Literary Digest, 1926
Henry Ford attracted considerable attention when he showcased the dance fiddling of Mellie Dunham, from Maine. This lengthy contemporary account describes that relationship in detail. "Mr.… View itemDocument
Henry Ford Shakes a Wicked Hoof - Literary Digest, 1925
Contemporary account of Henry Ford's interest in reviving older dances. View itemDocument
Let's Stop Hashing Our Squares
This essay, written more than 60 years ago, speaks to the longstanding tension between those who like predictable dance figures and those who seek continual variety. The author admits "that I am just… View itemSound
"Wild Bill" Reagan
Duane "Wild Bill" Reagan was a square dance caller perhaps best known for his performance at the Expo 74 festival in Spokane, Washington. Featured here are two clips of his calling at that event, a… View itemSound
Square Dance Fight on Ball Top Mountain
Phil Jamison: These are square dance skits on two sides of a 78 (Vocalion 5419) with a few random calls by John Dilleshaw (aka Seven Foot Dilly) of Paulding County, GA. It was recorded in Atlanta in… View itemSound
West Coast Blues - Blind Blake
There were hundreds of 78 rpm records with dance calls released in the 1920s and 1930s; this clip from Blind Blake's "West Coast Blues" is one example. Other African Americans callers who appear on… View itemMoving Image
Bible Grove Square Dancers, Bethel, Missouri, 1989
Dancers from Bible Grove in Scotland County, MO at the Bethel Fiddle Convention, Bethel, MO. June 1989. Fiddling by Chirps Smith and Charlie Walden. Others in the band are Forrest Rose on bass, Dennis… View itemSound
Darling Nellie Gray - Happy Hale
Happy Hale was a caller from Bernardston, MA, and some have speculated that Ralph Page patterned his style as a singing caller on Hale's technique. Other Happy Hale recordings at the Library of… View itemDocument
Jim Wilkerson's dance cards
This is a collection of cards by caller Jim Wilkerson; we think he was from Ohio, but would appreciate additional information that can be provided. View itemSound
Darling Nellie Gray - Ralph Page (clip)
This dance was Ralph Page's signature closing dance for an evening program. Compare it with Happy Hale, whom some think was Page's source for the dance. There are many examples of this classic singing… View itemDocument
Come Square Dancing (Australia, 1953)
Note: The file is a large one. Depending on the speed of your internet connection it may take a while to load. For ease of viewing offline, you could also click on the download icon (next to the print… View itemDocument
Lloyd Shaw Foundation Summer Workshop, 1971
Brochure describing a 1971 summer workshop presented by the Lloyd Shaw Foundation in Colorado. View item
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