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Let's Square Dance - instructional films, 1950s
In the mid-1950s, Janet R. MacLean, a professor in the Indiana University Department of Recreation, produced a series of six instructional films to introduce square dancing. The films, each… View itemDocument
Shall We Dance? - Maine, 19th century
This article, written by theMaine Memory Network Curator and Historian for the Maine Historical Society, takes two mid-19th books as a focal point for looking at etiquette and social status as… View itemSound
Captain Jinks / Divide the Ring - Leonard Hurst
Two clips from Colorado caller Leonard Hurst, who came to Australia in 1951 to do a series of radio broadcasts. He played an important role in spreading square dance to that area. More information… View itemSound
El Paso Star - Bill McGrath
Bill McGrath was one of the leading callers in Australia, a self-taught patter caller based in Melbourne. View itemSound
Sally Goodin - Eddie Carol & his Corn Cobbers
Eddie Carol, called by some "the greatest authority on the American square dance In Australia," was a leading Australia caller who specialized in a singing patter style of calling after… View itemSound
Cindy - Graham Rigby
Graham Rigby, author of "My Life's a Dance," was an Australian caller. Here he does a traditional American square dance figure. View itemSound
Ladies Chain Through the Stars - Bob Hunt
Bob Hunt was a prominent Australia caller, based in Victoria, who in the 1950s was calling six nights a week. View itemSound
MacNamara's Band - Irene Hewitt
Irene Hewitt was an Australia caller, here doing a well-known singing square. View itemMoving Image
Texas Star - Mike Rogers, Wien, Missouri, 1994
The caller is 92-year-old Mike Rogers, patter calling at a jam session and square dance held at Wien (Chariton County in north central Missouri) in 1994. There's close-up footage of Rogers starting at… View itemMoving Image
Jubilee U.S.A. square dancers, 1 - Ozark
This clip features Sides Divide while head couples circle in the center of the ring and do a doceydo. The tempo is fast-- 164 beats per minute-- but #3 in this series is even faster!The Ozark Jubilee… View item
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