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Jubilee U.S.A. square dancers, 2 - Ozark
Early on, this clip features Ladies Star while gents promenade, then allemande left and Gents Star while ladies promenade. Later, the dancers move into lines of three dancers at the sides with long… View itemMoving Image
Jubilee U.S.A. square dancers, 3 - Ozark
This clip features a straightforward Right Hand High and Left Hand Low, but done at a dizzying tempo-- 172 beats per minute! View itemMoving Image
Hilton Kelly, Catskill fiddler and caller
Hilton Kelly, of Fleischmanns, New York, is a Catskills fiddler and square dance caller. He started playing in 1932, at age 5, and started calling in 1937. By the time he was 15, he had a regular band… View itemDocument
History of Square Dancing - Ralph Page
Between 1972 and 1974, Ralph Page wrote a series of essays entitled A History of Square Dancing. For ease in downloading, we have collected them into "chapters" that group together similar topics.… View itemDocument
Frontier Dances - Bob Cook
A native of Colorado, Bob Cook's dancing experiences go back to the time when he was a seventh grader at the Cheyenne Mountain School. He was a member of the Cheyenne Mountain Dancers from 1939 to… View itemSound
Shoot the Owl - Beth Molaro
Augusta Dance Heritage, Elkins, West Virginia, 1997; the band is the Volo Bogtrotters. View itemSound
Grapevine Twist - Beth Molaro
Recorded at Augusta Dance Week in 1997, with caller Beth Molaro and the Volo Bogtrotters. This item includes two audio files. (Be patient... the second clip is longer and may take longer to load.) 1)… View itemWebsite
Virginia square dance, 1925, silent movie
This silent movie footage, created by Fox News, shows dancers and fiddlers recorded in an outdoor setting in Quitman [sic], Virginia. We cannot identify this location since it does not show up on… View itemMoving Image
Square Dancers from Ava, Missouri, 1989
This shows dancers from the Missouri Ozarks with the characteristic jig stepping of that region.Steve Hall is accompanied by Kenny Applebee of Rush Hill and Nolan Sutton of Salem. They are playing… View itemStill Image
Square Dance attendance & new calls
This slide contains two graphs, part of a presentation by Guy Steele on "The Mathematics of Square Dance Singing Calls," complete with dancers from MIT's Tech Squares group demonstrating figures. You… View itemDocument
Colorado dancing - Cal Campbell
Dance caller Cal Campbell started dancing at age 6 in 1943; he has written a series of reminiscences of his experiences growing up in a small Colorado town and the vital role that dancing played in… View itemSound
Square Dancing in Western New York
The New York Folklore Society produced a number of five-minute radio documentaries featuring the folklife (skills, traditions, stories, music, dance, folk art and material items) found in New York… View item
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