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Ralph Page - 1980 Milestone Award
Photograph taken at the event and text of the presentation made by Jim Mayo to Ralph Page. Page was no fan of modern square dancing; indeed many of his editorials in Northern Junket argued against… View itemDocument
New Call Problems in the Mid 1970s
This is an excerpt from the book Step by Step Through Modern Square Dance History by Jim Mayo. It describes the situation that had been created by a flood of new calls in the mid 1970’s. Related… View itemDocument
Class Notes - Jim Mayo, 1963
Unlike traditional square dance, modern SD is based on a series of classes that teach the basic figures. As the activity has increased its vocabulary of figures, the number of suggested classes has… View itemDocument
Jim Mayo - "Little Black Book"
This is caller Jim Mayo's book of dances, dating from the 1950s and into the 1960s. It's a good example of a serious caller's repertoire during this period.For comparison with another well-known New… View itemDocument
The Beginnings of Modern Square Dancing - Jim Mayo
Article by Jim Mayo looking at the transition from traditional to modern square dancing, a short version of the ideas presented at length in his book. View itemMoving Image
Jim Mayo - CALLERLAB history
In a presentation from a CALLERLAB History / Heritage / Tradition session in 2005, Jim Mayo recounts some of the events that led up to the founding of that organization in 1974. He discusses how… View itemMoving Image
Jim Mayo - 1994
This is a series of excerpts from a program called by Jim Mayo, November 5, 1994, in Marlboro, CT, recorded by Paul Trowbridge. This compilation contains portions of three patter and three singing… View itemDocument
SDFNE 1960's Era Recordings, part II
Several years ago the Square Dance Foundation of New England arranged an on-line link to a set of clips from early modern square dances. These clips were from the SDFNE collection of tapes of live… View itemMoving Image
Hash with Allemande Thar - Jim Mayo
Jim Mayo calls at the Dare To Be Square weekend held November 18-20, 2011, at the John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC. Jim was the first caller on Sunday morning, working with a roomful of… View itemMoving Image
Fiddle Faddle - Jim Mayo
Jim Mayo, caller; dance composed by Jim York, recorded at the Dare To Be Square dance weekend held at the John C. Campbell Folk School, in Brasstown, NC: November 18-20, 2011 View itemDocument
Calling for Modern Square Dancing - Jim Mayo
Author Jim Mayo writes:"This book is, I believe, the first "Caller Text" that was written for modern (as different from traditional) square dance callers. The draft was written in 1961 & 62 which… View itemDocument
MWSD - The First Ten Years
This article by Jim Mayo looks at the first ten years of what is usually called Modern Western Square Dancing. Jim traces the development of the activity in detail, citing specific callers and their… View item
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