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Western Square Dances at Fox Creek, Colorado (ca. 1880-1930)
Article based on conversations with Bessie Stafford from the San Luis Valley, western Colorado. "In these early days, the dances were held outside on the hard dirt, the music being supplied by… View itemDocument
American Country Dancing on Colorado's West Slope
The article is based on oral history collected in 1979, though no footnotes or direct quotations are included. Instead, it is a generalized summary of the author's findings. "Depending on… View itemDocument
Square Dance in Haywood County, NC
Detailed look at western North Carolina, a region rich in square dance traditions including that of Sam Queen and the Soco Gap Square Dancers. Jamison starts his article with a look at the turn of the… View itemDocument
Tout Le Monde en Place
After several pages to set the context, the author gives the calls in French and describes basic figures, including a lengthy description of the Quebecois swing. Hill is an orchestra leader who… View itemDocument
Timing - a vital issue
This is a collection of six articles on the subject of timing, specifically the timing of the caller in delivering a series of figures for modern square dancers. The topic was a contentious one among… View itemDocument
Farmhouse Fiddlers: Music & Dance Traditional in the Rural Midwest
This is an excerpt from a detailed and loving look at what the author terms "house-party music." His focus is Wisconsin, and he based the book on interviews with nearly 100 musicians and dancers.… View itemMoving Image
Bob Osgood - square dance television program
Bob Osgood, publisher of Sets in Order, was an enthusiastic promoter of square dance and a follower of Lloyd Shaw. Here is an early broadcast that illustrates Osgood's attempts to reach a home viewing… View itemMoving Image
Using squares at a contra dance - Beth Molaro
Caller Beth Molaro, of Asheville, NC, is a well-known caller who loves calling both contras and squares. In this clip, talking with Dennis Merritt, she explains some of her thinking that goes into… View itemMoving Image
Birdie in the Cage - Jerry Goodwin
Recorded at a square dance on February 7, 1987 at the Prosperity Fire Hall, Washington County, PA.Jerry Goodwin, CallerMountain Express: Chuck Monticello, fiddle Joe Fry, electric guitar Bob Hill,… View itemMoving Image
Divide the Ring - Jerry Goodwin
In this version of the traditional Cut Off Six / Divide the Ring figure, the active couple turns the others as they stand in a line. Larry Edleman demonstrates this in more detail on the related… View itemMoving Image
Duck and Dive - Jerry Goodwin
Yet another example a classic square dance figure. See the many related items for other versions.Recorded at a square dance on February 7, 1987 at the Prosperity Fire Hall, Washington County, PA.Jerry… View itemMoving Image
Forward Up Six and Sashay Over - Jerry Goodwin
Recorded at a square dance on April 25, 1987 at the Prosperity Fire Hall, Washington County, PA. Jerry Goodwin, Caller Mountain Express: Chuck Monticello, fiddle Joe Fry, electric… View item
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