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Gary Ellison interview
This is an interview conducted by Nathaniel Lucy as part of his research for his master's thesis, "Ozark Jubilee: The Impact of a Revional Identity at a Crossroads," written in 2014. The subject of… View itemSound
Garden of Eden (clip) - Sandy Bradley
Sandy Bradley calling with the Gypsy Gyppo String Band: Rob Naess and Armin Barnett, fiddles; Warren Argo, banjo; Jerry Mitchell, mandolin; Tracy Schwarz, guitar; from Potluck & Dance Tonite,… View itemSound
Fundamentals of Square Dancing
Bob Ruff and Jack Murtha collaborated on a detailed program of teaching square dancing using a series of recordings. The clips in this item are taken from their Instructional Series, Levels 1-3, plus… View itemDocument
Fun, Vitality, Life: Square Dancing in Central City, Colorado
This article provides a historical overview of the dance performances in Central City, Colorado. The program began with Lloyd Shaw and one group of dancers in 1936, and expanded over the years. This… View itemDocument
Frontier Dances - Bob Cook
A native of Colorado, Bob Cook's dancing experiences go back to the time when he was a seventh grader at the Cheyenne Mountain School. He was a member of the Cheyenne Mountain Dancers from 1939 to… View itemMoving Image
Fred Breunig - Listen to the Mockingbird - singing square
An excerpt of the calls for this old square dance, led by Fred Breunig and recorded at the 2004 Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend. Music by Wild Card: Terry Traub (Piano), Vince O'Donnell… View itemStill Image
Fred Bergin & Pappy
Cal Campbell writes: "Pappy and Fred Bergin were partners in Lloyd Shaw Recordings. Fred was a marvelous piano player. He came to several of the Lloyd Shaw Fellowships and would play music on… View itemSound
Frazee's Nightmare - Les Gotcher, 1954
Commercial recordings bring us excellent sound quality and precise calling. In contrast, one of the delights of live recordings is hearing the caller deal with real-life challenges on the dance floor.… View itemStill Image
Frank Messina
Frank Messina and the Mavericks recorded hundreds of titles for the Mac Gregor label, providing music for Fenton "Jonesy" Jones, Bob Van Antwerp, Arnie Kronenberger, Jerry Helt, and more. View itemDocument
Frank Lane - bio
Basic biographical information about Frank Lane, a short article on "directional calling" from Square Dance magazine that accompanied his cover photo, and the text of the presentation of the CALLERLAB… View itemSound
Frank Lane - 2 recordings
Two audio clips illustrating Frank Lane's style. The first is a hash call recorded live at Hoedown Hall, Mantua, NJ on May 16, 1960. In it, Lane introduces a new call, Wheel and Deal, written… View itemStill Image
Frank Grundeen cartoons
Grundeen produced the cartoon that appeared on the back cover of Sets in Order for every issue.InAs I See It,Bob Osgood relates how that came about:"I had been noticing one of the class members in… View item
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