Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

Browse Items (3 total)

Moving Image

David Millstone - Ninepin

David Millstone, caller, with music provided by Jane, Sophie, and Russell Orzechowski (fiddles and piano) and Deanna Stiles, flute. Recorded at Kensington, NH, on May 21, 2004. The tune played is… View item

The Ninepin (Liberty) - Donald "Jake" Jacoby - Maryland Line Square Dance, 1974:

Recorded by Bob Dalsemer, January 5, 1974 at the Maryland Line Fire Hall, Maryland Line, MD. Caller: Donald "Jake" Jacoby Band: The Saw Mill Boys Each square has an extra woman standing… View item
Moving Image

Ninepin - Bob Dalsemer

Bob Dalsemer calls the version of this traditional square dance as he learned it at Maryland Line, MD, back in the 1970s. This was recorded at at the Dare To Be Square weekend held November 18-20,… View item