Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

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  • Tags: Buddy Weaver

Buddy Weaver Music Podcast

Caller and record producer Buddy Weaver hosts a regular podcast that features modern square dance recordings going back to the 1950s. (Weaver cleaned up and digitized the complete five hours of the… View item

Santa Monica audio

Square dance caller and music producer Buddy Weaver has an original recording of the dances called at the famed "World's Largest Square Dance" in Santa Monica, CA, in 1950. He has… View item

Square Dance Articles - Buddy Weaver resources page

Buddy Weaver has collected on his website a series of transcriptions and printed essays by numerous well-respected square dance callers. On this site, you'll find pieces by Doc Alumbaugh, Ed… View item

Auctioneer (description and history)

The Auctioneerby David MillstoneJuly, 2012The Auctioneer is Ralph Sweet's signature number, and the dance has a storied history before him. The Auctioneer song was a 1956 hit, selling 2.5 million… View item