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How Squares Evolved – Tony Parkes
Dance caller and historian Tony Parkes leads a workshop on how square dancing changed from traditional forms to modern squares as found in MWSD clubs. He starts by looking at "swoopies," circular… View itemMoving Image
Square Dance Tonight - with Elisha Keeler
This 1949 film features caller Elisha Keeler of South Salem, NY. Keeler was featured in The New Yorker in a brief "Talk of the Town" piece in 1949 and then was given a lengthy profile (some 5,000… View itemMoving Image
Divide the Ring - Jerry Goodwin
In this version of the traditional Cut Off Six / Divide the Ring figure, the active couple turns the others as they stand in a line. Larry Edleman demonstrates this in more detail on the related… View itemMoving Image
Let's Square Dance - instructional films, 1950s
In the mid-1950s, Janet R. MacLean, a professor in the Indiana University Department of Recreation, produced a series of six instructional films to introduce square dancing. The films, each… View itemDocument
Jim Wilkerson's dance cards
This is a collection of cards by caller Jim Wilkerson; we think he was from Ohio, but would appreciate additional information that can be provided. View itemWebsite
Traditional Square Dance Figures
One section of the Lloyd Shaw Foundation's website provides detailed instructions (and source information) for 20 figures from traditional Western and southern Appalachian squares:Arkansas… View itemSound
Golden Slippers - Donald "Jake" Jacoby
Recorded by Bob Dalsemer, January 5, 1974 at the Maryland Line Fire Hall, Maryland Line, MD. Caller: Donald "Jake" Jacoby Band: The Saw Mill Boys This a standard "divide the… View itemSound
East Meets West (clip) - Lawrence Loy
Lawrence Loy was from western Massachusetts but this recording, with its apt title, shows the influence of the western style of dance, with changing choreography. After generic opening figures, two… View itemMoving Image
Divide the Ring - Phil Jamison
Phil Jamison calls at the Dare To Be Square weekend held November 18-20, 2011, at the John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC. The basic "Divide the Ring" sequence has the leading couple… View item
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