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First Two Gents Cross Over - Adam Boyce
Traditional singing square dance, recorded in West Newbury, VT, on July 24, 2010. The caller and fiddler is Adam Boyce, accompanied by piano player Donna Weston. Adam has the women crossing over after… View itemMoving Image
Just Because - Tod Whittemore
Tod Whittemore is the caller; music is provided by Bob McQuillen, piano; Randy Miller, fiddle, and Peter Siegel, mandolin. This was part of a dance workshop on singing squares, recorded on January 15,… View itemMoving Image
Just Because - Walter Lenk
Caller Walter Lenk, backed up by Tony Parkes, leads dancers through the singing square Just Because. Recorded at the Saturday night Grand Dance, January 1988, at the first Ralph Page Dance Legacy… View itemWebsite
Duke Miller website
Duke Miller was a square dance caller (and a wrestling coach) in Gloversville, NY, and later became a popular caller for summertime dances in the Monadnock region of southwestern New Hampshire. His… View itemMoving Image
Head Two Ladies Cross Over - Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston calls at the Killingly, CT, dance, a regular series he has been doing since 1988, although he reports that there have been dances there "forever." (At 1:45, you'll see a man wearing… View itemWebsite
Duke Miller - Crooked Stovepipe
Duke Miller, caller. Recorded live at the Peterborough Golf Club, August 20, 1965. This dance was a staple of Ralph Page's repertoire as well, which he borrowed from French-Canadian music. Caller… View itemSound
First Two Ladies Cross Over - Duke Miller
This audio recording features the singing calls of Duke Miller. The noted New Hampshire musician Bob McQuillen played accordion or piano for Duke Miller for 26 consecutive summers and grew tired of… View item
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