Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

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IOCA Barn Dance 1942

Events sponsored by the IOCA, the Intercollegiate Outing Club Association, provided the introduction to square dancing for many young dancers. Students from colleges and universities in the Northeast… View item
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Irving Andert - dance videos

This is a selection of clips showing some of the different dances called by Irving Andert. Recorded by Paul Trowbridge at the Brooklyn (CT) Grange, July 9, 1983. The program is a typical evening of… View item

Life on the Ocean Wave (clip) - Benjamin Lovett

Benjamin Lovett, the noted dancing master who was hired by Henry Ford to promote social dancing, leads Life on the Ocean Wave, also known as the Head Two Ladies Cross Over. The musicians are the Henry… View item
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First Two Gents Cross Over - Adam Boyce

Traditional singing square dance, recorded in West Newbury, VT, on July 24, 2010. The caller and fiddler is Adam Boyce, accompanied by piano player Donna Weston. Adam has the women crossing over after… View item
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Head Two Ladies Cross Over - Bob Livingston

Bob Livingston calls at the Killingly, CT, dance, a regular series he has been doing since 1988, although he reports that there have been dances there "forever." (At 1:45, you'll see a man wearing… View item