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Hilton and Stella Kelly - interview, with tunes
This is a two-part lengthy interview conducted and recorded by Bob Nisbet with Hilton and Stella Kelly. First Part part View itemMoving Image
Hilton and Stella Kelly - Square Dance Tunes and Calls
Hilton Kelly, of Fleischmanns, New York, was a Catskills fiddler and square dance caller. He started playing in 1932, at age 5, and started calling in 1937. By the time he was 15, he had a regular… View itemWebsite
The James W. Kimball Traditional Music & Dance in NYS Collection
Jim Kimball is a well-known historian who focuses on the music and dance traditions of upstate New York. The James W. Kimball Traditional Music and Dance in New York State Collection is a curated… View itemMoving Image
Hilton Kelly, Catskill fiddler and caller
Hilton Kelly, of Fleischmanns, New York, is a Catskills fiddler and square dance caller. He started playing in 1932, at age 5, and started calling in 1937. By the time he was 15, he had a regular band… View itemWebsite
Hilton Kelly - Catskill fiddler & caller
Article about Catskills fiddler and caller Hilton Kelly, who has been playing and calling square dances in that region of New York for more than 75 years. Kelly died March 3, 2015; his death was noted… View item
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