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Arizona Style of Modern Square Dancing
This booklet, created by a consortium of 20 local square dance club, was sponsored by the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, testament to the rising popularity of square dance at that time.… View itemWebsite
Arizona Square Dance - 1954
This item contains images of Phoenix college students square dancing outside of the Arizona Star at Western Saddle Club on October 28, 1954 in Phoenix, Arizona. The link takes you to the nine photos… View itemSound
Arizona Double Star (clip) - Johnny Melton
Johnny Melton calls the Arizona Double Star, with the tune Nobody's Business played by Roy Sexton and others. The clip illustrates southwestern calling style, moving dancers along without necessarily… View itemStill Image
Chuck Jones - Bugs Bunny square dance
This cartoon of Bugs Bunny all duded up and ready for a square dance, and the accompanying note, were made by Chuck Jones for Harriet Kline.Chuck Jones was an enthusiastic square dancer; see the… View itemWebsite
Schroeder's Playboys
Schroeder's Playboys - An Appreciationby Tony Parkes, August 2012If I could be transported back to the 1950s and had my choice of any one square dance band to hear and/or dance to live, it might well… View item
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