Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

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  • Tags: Schroeder's Playboys

Trinidad Twister - Marvin Shilling

This recording by Colorado caller Marvin Shilling—the Trinidad of the title refers to the Colorado location rather than the Caribbean island—was recorded in 1953; it appeared on the Western Jubilee… View item

Square Dances Without Calls

Square Dances Without Calls is a channel on the Internet Archive devoted to older recordings that were made for square dancing. The collection pays particular attention to records from the Southwest.… View item

Schroeder's Playboys

Schroeder's Playboys - An Appreciationby Tony Parkes, August 2012If I could be transported back to the 1950s and had my choice of any one square dance band to hear and/or dance to live, it might well… View item