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Moving Image
The Route - Rickey Holden
Rickey Holden calling a classic square dance figure, alternately called The Rout or The Route. Rather than a full walkthrough, he gives only a general introduction, setting up the dancers for some… View itemMoving Image
Square Dance (with Corky Calkins)
This 1955 film, produced by Roger Tilton, features Corky Calkins and his band. Calkins was a popular caller in the Springfield, MA, area. Among the dances shown here are Nellie Bly, The Route and the… View itemDocument
Jim Wilkerson's dance cards
This is a collection of cards by caller Jim Wilkerson; we think he was from Ohio, but would appreciate additional information that can be provided. View itemWebsite
Duke Miller website
Duke Miller was a square dance caller (and a wrestling coach) in Gloversville, NY, and later became a popular caller for summertime dances in the Monadnock region of southwestern New Hampshire. His… View item
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