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The Dos-a-Dos
The author looks starts by examining the pronunciation and different spellings of this figure. He then explores variations, all of which involve a handhold: Southern Highland or Mountaineer… View itemSound
Three Texas squares - Herb Greggerson
These are three examples from Texas caller Herb Greggerson. 1) In Do-Si-Do Fun, hecalls a square that relies heavily on the western docey-do: partner left hand turn, corner right hand, repeated.… View itemMoving Image
Swing in the Rear - Larry Edelman - Dances of Jerry Goodwin:
Larry Edelman led a workshop session on dances he learned from the calling of Jerry Goodwin, originally from West Virginia but living and calling in western Pennsylvania when Larry studied with him in… View itemDocument
Docey-doe / Do Paso agreement
Docey-doe / Do Paso / Do-si-do / Dos a Dosexcerpt from Step by Step Through Modern Square Dance History by Jim Mayo... Others were more receptive to change. Another action that spread, probably from… View itemDocument
Bill Litchman - Rocky Mountain Square Dancing
This overview of square dance history focuses on two major groups of square dance. One group (northern, Eastern, Maritime, etc.) relies on quadrille-style figures, with couples interacting across the… View item
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