Lines About Squares - Western Square Dancing
Creator: Dick Pasvolsky (1988)
In this article, part of his long-running column, the author looks at the typical programs of Western square dancing in the late 1940s and early 1950s. He discusses the different kinds of patter, mentioned the predominance of singing calls at this time, and looks in depth at Rickey Holden's "Star By the Right."
Collection: Traditional western
Subjects: Transitional/Western 1940s, Transitional/Western 1950s
Subjects: Transitional/Western 1940s, Transitional/Western 1950s
Item Relations
This Item | is related to | Item: Bill Litchman 1 - Traditional Western Squares |
This Item | is related to | Item: Traditional Western Squares called by Bill Litchman: Sampler |
Dick Pasvolsky, “Lines About Squares - Western Square Dancing,” Square Dance History Project, accessed March 28, 2025,
Dublin Core
Lines About Squares - Western Square Dancing
In this article, part of his long-running column, the author looks at the typical programs of Western square dancing in the late 1940s and early 1950s. He discusses the different kinds of patter, mentioned the predominance of singing calls at this time, and looks in depth at Rickey Holden's "Star By the Right."
The American Dance Circle, quarterly publication of the Lloyd Shaw Foundation, December 1988, pp. 11–15
Date Created