Square Dance equipment
This collection of photographs illustrates some of the electronic equipment used by square dance callers-- speakers, speaker stands, record players, tape decks, microphones with different capabilities, and much more. The availability of public address systems starting in the 1930s changed the nature of square dancing. It made possible the singing square, where the lyrics sung by the caller could be heard by a larger group of dancers, and it opened the way decades later for hash calling. No longer did dancers need to follow a rehearsed series of moves; the caller was now free to change calls on the fly, knowing that the dancers would be able to hear the calls.
Collection: MWSD
Subjects: General - Dance and Culture
Tags: equipment, PA
Subjects: General - Dance and Culture
Tags: equipment, PA
Square Dance Foundation of New England, “Square Dance equipment,” Square Dance History Project, accessed February 23, 2025, https://squaredancehistory.org/items/show/1827.
Dublin Core
Square Dance equipment
This collection of photographs illustrates some of the electronic equipment used by square dance callers-- speakers, speaker stands, record players, tape decks, microphones with different capabilities, and much more. The availability of public address systems starting in the 1930s changed the nature of square dancing. It made possible the singing square, where the lyrics sung by the caller could be heard by a larger group of dancers, and it opened the way decades later for hash calling. No longer did dancers need to follow a rehearsed series of moves; the caller was now free to change calls on the fly, knowing that the dancers would be able to hear the calls.