Johnny Barbour - Hash, live recording, 1958
Johnny Barbour 1958 – Track 1
Comment by Jim Mayo
This tip is, I believe, from a group of files shared with the Square Dance Foundation of New England by Stig Malmo from Denmark. Stig has been generous in sharing from his very extensive collection of recordings of early square dances. Although we do not have complete identification of the location we do know that the date was in 1958. Comments by Johnny Barbour on other tips from this event suggest that it was a weekend done with Frank Lane. This is an unusually long patter selection at nearly seven minutes. The numbers in parentheses show the time.
Bow to Partner, Corners Salute
Circle to the left, go lickety scoot
Circle to the left about a mile, Reverse in single file,
Lady in the lead the gent run wild
Gents Back Track, Twice Around and don't you know
When you meet that gal let's Box the Gnat
Gents Star Left, Girls stand pat
Go once around 'till you meet that maid
Take her along, Star Promenade
Well you walk right along with your pretty little hen
The inside out and the outside in
Once and a half and now with the girls in the middle
Gonna walk along then, Roll Away Half Sashay
Now Gents, Gents Star by the right
Now Girls Back Track and don’t you know
Once around Pass this man
There's your corner, Left Allemande
Partner Right a Right and Left Grand
Go every other lady with every other hand
Meet your Gal, Promenade that pretty little pal
Gonna talk a little walk, go right back home
1st figure (0:54)
Now one & three Bow and you Swing
Go twice around with the pretty little thing
Then go in to the middle and back to the ring
Forward again a Right and Left Thru
Four Ladies Grand Chain
Turn the girl with a 1/2 Sashay
All eight Circle to the Left while you're that way
Now the Head Gents and the lady on the right
Go in to the middle and back
Circle up four in the middle of the track
Once around and you hear me shout
Frontier Whirl and you stay faced out
Now Sides Pass Thru and separate go around one
Circle up four on the outside son
Go one full turn then the inside arch and the outside under
Circle up four in the middle of the hall
Go once around and Pass Thru
Split that couple facing you
Around one and line up four
Go forward eight and back
Then forward again and Box the Gnat
Pull her through and Cross Trail
And what do you do, Left Allemande
And a Right and Left Grand
Promenade when you meet that girl
2nd figure (1:59)
Number two a half sashay
Now Heads go into the middle and back
One and Three a Right and Left Thru
Number four here's what you do
Down the middle split the ring
Frontier Whirl and stand behind that pair
Go forward four and back with you
Go forward again go all the way through
Separate and leave your Taw
Stand behind those Heads you all
Forward eight and back
Center four circle up four
Go once around, that's what I said
Frontier Whirl and face the Heads
Go Right and Left Thru
Now turn on around and the opposite gal
Left Allemande and a Right and Left Grand
Meet that gal and you truck on down
Like a woodpecker peckin' on frozen ground
3rd (2:45)
Walk all around your Left Hand Lady
See Saw around your pretty little Taw
Then Gents Star by the Right
In the middle now Once Around
Now take this gal with an arm around
Star Promenade in the middle of the town
The inside out and the outside in
Go once and a half and the Ladies Star
Walk along now but not too far
Rollaway a Half Sashay
And Gents Star by the Left
Girls Backtrack and don't you know
You meet your partner with a right elbow
Go all the way around and Allemande Left
With the Right Hand Lady
Now back to your honey and Box the Gnat
Now Dos a Dos right after that
Let's Swing your honey go once around
Let's Promenade this pretty little dear
Next time point your ears
4th (3:32)
Sides go in to the middle and back
Right and Left Thru across that track
Turn around and Ladies Chain
All four ladies Grand Chain
Turn around and gone again
Then whirlaway with a 1/2 Sashay
All eight Circle to the Left while you're that way
Now the Side Gents and the lady on the right
Go in to the middle and back again
Circle up four in the middle of the pen
Once around and you hear me shout
Frontier Whirl and you stay faced out
Now Heads Pass Thru and separate go around one
Circle up four on the outside son
Go once around, go once around and Dive Thru
Circle up four in the middle you do
Go once around and now
Pass Thru split the ring
Around one and line up four
Go forward eight and back
Go forward Box the Gnat
From here Right and Left Thru
Now Circle Left, around that ring
Well Allemande Left and you hear me sing
Promenade your pretty little lady
Keep goin' don't slow down
All four Wheel Around,
Go the other way around with the girls in the middle
Walk along to the tune of the fiddle
Girls make a left hand star
Gents keep going just like you are
Pass 'em once and don't you know
Second time turn 'em by the right elbow
All the way around, Left Allemande
Allemande Left a Right and Left Grand
Grand Right and Left you know
Meet your gal and here we go
Gonna walk right along with your pretty little maid
If she don't like whiskey, feed 'er lemonade
Promenade and home again, right back home and now
5th (4:58)
Number one a half sashay
Sides to the middle and back that way
Side couples a Right and Left Thru
Number three here's what you do
Down the middle split the ring
Frontier Whirl and stand behind that pair
Go forward four and back again
Go forward again go all the way through
Separate and Stand behind those Side two
Forward eight and back again
Center four circle up four in the middle
Once around, well man alive
Frontier Whirl and face the Sides
Right and Left Thru
Now turn on around Left Allemande with your left hand
Partner right a Right and Left Grand
Go right and left hand over hand
Meet that gal that pretty little thing
Promenade go round the ring
All the way around and don't you know
Back home again
Closer (5:40)
Head two ladies Chain to the Right
Turn around and you hold 'em tight
New Head ladies chain across
Now one and three Up to the Middle and Back with you
Forward again with a Right and Left Thru
Turn on around and lead to the right
Circle up four and you're doing fine
Heads Break and you make two lines
Go Forward eight and Back with you
Go Forward again a Right and Left Thru
Go Forward eight and back
Go Forward Cross Trail Thru
U Turn back Right and Left Thru
Go Forward eight and back with you
Go Forward again with a Right and - - -Left Allemande
Hey all the way around a Right and Left Grand
Grand Right and Left go round
Pick 'em up and lay 'em down
Well you meet that gal, pretty little date
Take her by the hand and promenade eight
Keep goin' don't slow down
One and three Wheel Around
Right and Left Thru, now Circle Eight
Walk all around the Left Hand Lady
See Saw round your pretty little Taw
Well Allemande Left your corner Jack
Well Promenade your own gal back
Promenade back home
Well get back home and gone again
Bow to your honey and now
Wave to the lady on the left of you
And there you stand, That's it you're through
End (6:54)
Additional comments: "...sometimes when I'm calling you don't get home with your partner. This is not a mistake (laughing). I call mixers from time to time..."
Subjects: Transitional/Western 1950s
Tags: 1958, Johnny Barbour, live recording, MWSD
Dublin Core
Comment by Jim Mayo
This tip is, I believe, from a group of files shared with the Square Dance Foundation of New England by Stig Malmo from Denmark. Stig has been generous in sharing from his very extensive collection of recordings of early square dances. Although we do not have complete identification of the location we do know that the date was in 1958. Comments by Johnny Barbour on other tips from this event suggest that it was a weekend done with Frank Lane. This is an unusually long patter selection at nearly seven minutes. The numbers in parentheses show the time.
Bow to Partner, Corners Salute
Circle to the left, go lickety scoot
Circle to the left about a mile, Reverse in single file,
Lady in the lead the gent run wild
Gents Back Track, Twice Around and don't you know
When you meet that gal let's Box the Gnat
Gents Star Left, Girls stand pat
Go once around 'till you meet that maid
Take her along, Star Promenade
Well you walk right along with your pretty little hen
The inside out and the outside in
Once and a half and now with the girls in the middle
Gonna walk along then, Roll Away Half Sashay
Now Gents, Gents Star by the right
Now Girls Back Track and don’t you know
Once around Pass this man
There's your corner, Left Allemande
Partner Right a Right and Left Grand
Go every other lady with every other hand
Meet your Gal, Promenade that pretty little pal
Gonna talk a little walk, go right back home
1st figure (0:54)
Now one & three Bow and you Swing
Go twice around with the pretty little thing
Then go in to the middle and back to the ring
Forward again a Right and Left Thru
Four Ladies Grand Chain
Turn the girl with a 1/2 Sashay
All eight Circle to the Left while you're that way
Now the Head Gents and the lady on the right
Go in to the middle and back
Circle up four in the middle of the track
Once around and you hear me shout
Frontier Whirl and you stay faced out
Now Sides Pass Thru and separate go around one
Circle up four on the outside son
Go one full turn then the inside arch and the outside under
Circle up four in the middle of the hall
Go once around and Pass Thru
Split that couple facing you
Around one and line up four
Go forward eight and back
Then forward again and Box the Gnat
Pull her through and Cross Trail
And what do you do, Left Allemande
And a Right and Left Grand
Promenade when you meet that girl
2nd figure (1:59)
Number two a half sashay
Now Heads go into the middle and back
One and Three a Right and Left Thru
Number four here's what you do
Down the middle split the ring
Frontier Whirl and stand behind that pair
Go forward four and back with you
Go forward again go all the way through
Separate and leave your Taw
Stand behind those Heads you all
Forward eight and back
Center four circle up four
Go once around, that's what I said
Frontier Whirl and face the Heads
Go Right and Left Thru
Now turn on around and the opposite gal
Left Allemande and a Right and Left Grand
Meet that gal and you truck on down
Like a woodpecker peckin' on frozen ground
3rd (2:45)
Walk all around your Left Hand Lady
See Saw around your pretty little Taw
Then Gents Star by the Right
In the middle now Once Around
Now take this gal with an arm around
Star Promenade in the middle of the town
The inside out and the outside in
Go once and a half and the Ladies Star
Walk along now but not too far
Rollaway a Half Sashay
And Gents Star by the Left
Girls Backtrack and don't you know
You meet your partner with a right elbow
Go all the way around and Allemande Left
With the Right Hand Lady
Now back to your honey and Box the Gnat
Now Dos a Dos right after that
Let's Swing your honey go once around
Let's Promenade this pretty little dear
Next time point your ears
4th (3:32)
Sides go in to the middle and back
Right and Left Thru across that track
Turn around and Ladies Chain
All four ladies Grand Chain
Turn around and gone again
Then whirlaway with a 1/2 Sashay
All eight Circle to the Left while you're that way
Now the Side Gents and the lady on the right
Go in to the middle and back again
Circle up four in the middle of the pen
Once around and you hear me shout
Frontier Whirl and you stay faced out
Now Heads Pass Thru and separate go around one
Circle up four on the outside son
Go once around, go once around and Dive Thru
Circle up four in the middle you do
Go once around and now
Pass Thru split the ring
Around one and line up four
Go forward eight and back
Go forward Box the Gnat
From here Right and Left Thru
Now Circle Left, around that ring
Well Allemande Left and you hear me sing
Promenade your pretty little lady
Keep goin' don't slow down
All four Wheel Around,
Go the other way around with the girls in the middle
Walk along to the tune of the fiddle
Girls make a left hand star
Gents keep going just like you are
Pass 'em once and don't you know
Second time turn 'em by the right elbow
All the way around, Left Allemande
Allemande Left a Right and Left Grand
Grand Right and Left you know
Meet your gal and here we go
Gonna walk right along with your pretty little maid
If she don't like whiskey, feed 'er lemonade
Promenade and home again, right back home and now
5th (4:58)
Number one a half sashay
Sides to the middle and back that way
Side couples a Right and Left Thru
Number three here's what you do
Down the middle split the ring
Frontier Whirl and stand behind that pair
Go forward four and back again
Go forward again go all the way through
Separate and Stand behind those Side two
Forward eight and back again
Center four circle up four in the middle
Once around, well man alive
Frontier Whirl and face the Sides
Right and Left Thru
Now turn on around Left Allemande with your left hand
Partner right a Right and Left Grand
Go right and left hand over hand
Meet that gal that pretty little thing
Promenade go round the ring
All the way around and don't you know
Back home again
Closer (5:40)
Head two ladies Chain to the Right
Turn around and you hold 'em tight
New Head ladies chain across
Now one and three Up to the Middle and Back with you
Forward again with a Right and Left Thru
Turn on around and lead to the right
Circle up four and you're doing fine
Heads Break and you make two lines
Go Forward eight and Back with you
Go Forward again a Right and Left Thru
Go Forward eight and back
Go Forward Cross Trail Thru
U Turn back Right and Left Thru
Go Forward eight and back with you
Go Forward again with a Right and - - -Left Allemande
Hey all the way around a Right and Left Grand
Grand Right and Left go round
Pick 'em up and lay 'em down
Well you meet that gal, pretty little date
Take her by the hand and promenade eight
Keep goin' don't slow down
One and three Wheel Around
Right and Left Thru, now Circle Eight
Walk all around the Left Hand Lady
See Saw round your pretty little Taw
Well Allemande Left your corner Jack
Well Promenade your own gal back
Promenade back home
Well get back home and gone again
Bow to your honey and now
Wave to the lady on the left of you
And there you stand, That's it you're through
End (6:54)
Additional comments: "...sometimes when I'm calling you don't get home with your partner. This is not a mistake (laughing). I call mixers from time to time..."