Two Little Right Hand Stars - Tony Parkes
This dance appeared in Ralph Page's Northern Junket in Volume 1, #2, p. 17. This clip includes Tony's walkthrough of the dance.
The dance is attributed to Ralph Page. Tony is using Rod Linnell's version of the call, which Rod adapted to fit the tune "Blue Mountain Rag" as a semi-singing call. As New England musicians do not generally know that tune, Tony looked for a substitute and found one in Ralph Page's tune "Rollstone Mountain," used here.
The musicians are Yankee Ingenuity (Peter Barnes, piano; Mary Lea, fiddle; Cal Howard, bass; Jack O'Connor, mandolin), joined by Kerry Elkin on fiddle.
Subjects: Northern / Prompt & Patter
Tags: right hand stars, stars, Tony Parkes, Two Little Right Hand Stars, walkthrough
Dublin Core
This dance appeared in Ralph Page's Northern Junket in Volume 1, #2, p. 17. This clip includes Tony's walkthrough of the dance.
The dance is attributed to Ralph Page. Tony is using Rod Linnell's version of the call, which Rod adapted to fit the tune "Blue Mountain Rag" as a semi-singing call. As New England musicians do not generally know that tune, Tony looked for a substitute and found one in Ralph Page's tune "Rollstone Mountain," used here.
The musicians are Yankee Ingenuity (Peter Barnes, piano; Mary Lea, fiddle; Cal Howard, bass; Jack O'Connor, mandolin), joined by Kerry Elkin on fiddle.