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- Subject is exactly "Modern Western / Mainstream"
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Clark Baker - Tech Squares
Clark describes the history of Tech Squares, the MWSD group based at MIT in Cambridge, MA. This club takes new dancers through the Mainstream in 8 weeks and on through Plus in 5 additional. A typical… View itemMoving Image
Tech Squares
This half-hour video looks closely at the Tech Squares modern square club at MIT. Under the leadershp of caller Ted Lizotte and with the assistance of a large group of dedicated assistants and dance… View itemDocument
Hand position in MWSD
The formation of CALLERLAB in 1974 established definitions and helped modern square dancing become more standardized. This does not mean that everything fell neatly into place! The cover illustration… View itemDocument
Squares and Rounds (Delaware Valley)
Squares and Rounds was originally published by the Montgomery District of the Federation of Deleware Valley Square and Round Dancers. It later expanded to be the official publication of the Mid-East… View itemSound
Hey Lei Lee Lei Lee (clip) - Bob Ruff
California caller Bob Ruff sings the calls set to a popular song at the time. This clip includes the introduction plus once through the figures. Vic and Debbie Ceder has information about Ruff on… View itemSound
Progressive Squares - Jerry Helt
This half hour recording comes from a 1998 CALLERLAB session led by Jerry Helt, widely known for his use of progressive squares. (We appreciate CALLERLAB giving permission to share the material here.… View itemSound
Red Bates, 2006 City Of New Orleans
The 2006 singing call, City of New Orleans, was probably to the Rhythm record #182 originally by Wade Driver with a Mainstream Program figure. By using three different figures in the dance rather… View itemSound
Wakamono Tachi - Masaru Wada
Excerpt from recording by caller Masaru Wada, with calls in English but with additional lyrics in Japanese View itemMoving Image
Riverside-Sendai: intercontinental square dance partners
Square dancers in Sendai C "ity, Japan (with caller Mac Ojima) and in Riverside, California (with caller Paul Moore), both dancing to each other's callers, an intercontinental square dance made… View itemSound
God Bless America - CALLERLAB chairmen, 2009
In 2009 the CALLERLAB Convention in Kansas City included a dance following the Banquet called by all the past chairmen of CALLERLAB who were in attendance that year. This recording is the final… View itemMoving Image
Jim Mayo - 1994
This is a series of excerpts from a program called by Jim Mayo, November 5, 1994, in Marlboro, CT, recorded by Paul Trowbridge. This compilation contains portions of three patter and three singing… View item
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