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- Collection: Traditional western
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Sally Goodin and a Docey Doe - Bill Litchman - Traditional Western Square Dances 5b
Caller: Bill Litchman. This clip shows the actual dance; a separate video shows the walkthrough. Once the dance gets going, Bill throws in patter using lyrics to the song Mountain Dew. Bill Litchman… View itemSound
Sally Goodin variations
Sally Goodin is a square dance based on picturesque names for the other dancers in your set. (See Carl Herzog diagram). The active dance turns other dancers in a particular sequence, occasionally… View itemMoving Image
Sally Goodin walkthrough - Bill Litchman - Traditional Western Square Dances 5a
Dance: "Sally Goodin with a Docey-do," devised by Marvin Shilling, Walsenburg, Colorado (based on the traditional dance "Sally Goodin") This is the walkthrough; a separate video… View itemMoving Image
Saturday Night Square Dance - Jim Boyd, 1949
"Saturday Night Square Dance" was released in 1949 as a Soundie; the footage included here is all that we have been able to locate. (We would appreciate information from anyone having a… View itemWebsite
Schroeder's Playboys
Schroeder's Playboys - An Appreciationby Tony Parkes, August 2012If I could be transported back to the 1950s and had my choice of any one square dance band to hear and/or dance to live, it might well… View itemDocument
Shakin' a Hoof (1951 article)
Tucson caller Fred Feild located this article in Arizona Highways magazine and shared it on the trad-dance-callers listserv. Fred added his own comments:---Advisory warning: This article contains… View itemStill Image
Silver Spurs publicity poster
The poster is from a 1962 performance of the Silver Spurs (Spokane, WA) in Victoria, British Columbia. It illustrates the many varieties of dance presented by the youth group, dances that are still… View itemSound
Spinning Wheel - description and audio
This figure appears here in two formats. The written description comes from Betty Casey in Foot 'n' Fiddle managzine; Casey published several collections of square dance figures and decades later… View itemDocument
Square and Couple Dances with Directions and Calls - Lloyd Shaw
This is a supplement to Cowboy Dances and Good Morning that was used in a 1947 summer session at the University of Colorado. "Most of these dances have been taken from the mimeographed material… View itemMoving Image
Square Dance History Pageant, 1976, part 3-Dorothy Shaw
Recorded at the 25th National Square Dance Convention, Anaheim, CA. This is the third part of the square dance history pageant, which was dedicated to Mrs. Shaw, the widow of Lloyd "Pappy"… View itemMoving Image
Square Dance History Pageant, part 2 - Cheyenne Mountain Dancers, 1976
The 25th annual National Square Dance Convention took place in 1976, the year of the United State Bicentennial Celebration. A historical pageant at the convention features a series of dances… View item
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