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- Collection: Traditional western
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Central City - more photographs
Janie Chandler writes: "My mother, Carol Case, formerly Carol Chandler, originally Carol Angevine, was a Colorado square dancer from way back.The video I watched (from 1955) was a year before my… View itemStill Image
Lighted Lantern photographs
The Lighted Lantern,also known as the Rocky Mountain Square Dance Camp, was operated by Paul and Pauline Kermiet from 1948to 1967.Photo 1Pauline KermietEd Bossing (important chronicler of dances and… View itemStill Image
Texas Starlings - teenage dancers, 1947
This photo shows the Texas Starlings, a teenage group of square dancers, in Austin, Texas, 1947. The accompany article fromFoot 'n' Fiddlemagazine describes a session by Herb Greggerson for teens in… View itemDocument
Lillie Lee Baker
Lillie Lee Baker (Mrs. Paul Baker) was a Texas dance caller, supporter of children's performing square dance groups, and an organizer for Texas square dances. In 1947, she directed square dance… View itemStill Image
Henry Hudson - Texas fiddler
This photo shows Texas fiddler Henry Hudson standing with dance leader and organizer Lillie Lee Baker. (The boy at left is holding the 78 rpm album of Texas Square Dance Music that was recorded in… View itemSound
Texas Square Dance Music - Henry Hudson
This is the 1946 album, 78 rpm, issued by Texas musician Henry Hudson and his Fiddle Band. Hudson recorded on the Henlee label, sometimes with his band being called the Pioneer Fiddle Band. He worked… View itemDocument
Square Dance Week - Austin, 1949
The photo shows Marlys Swenson giving a square dance lesson to Austin's "Mayor Tom," who has proclaimed the week of March 20-26, 1949, as "Square-Dance Week." The Additional File is the accompanying… View itemStill Image
Pioneer Promenaders - Denver University
These newspaper clippings and photographs document the Denver University Pioneer Promenaders Square Dance Club as they travel to Washington, DC, for the 1940 National Folk Festival and a separate trip… View itemDocument
The Varsovienne in the Southwestern United States
Master's thesis looking in detail at the history and widespread appearance of this classic couple dance throughout the southwestern part of the US. Since couple dances formed an important part of an… View itemDocument
Cowpuncher's Square Dance Call
Poem that appears to be square dance patter from traditional western square dancing View itemDocument
Cowpuncher's Square Dance Call - response
Folklorist Sam Hinton has some fun with the poem. If it is to be taken literally as an example of a dance call, Hinton calculates that the cowboys are dancing at a speed greater than 20 miles per… View item
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