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- Collection: Traditional western
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Colorado caller Gib Gilbert calls a traditional western square dance for a New England audience. Caller Bill Litchman comments, "He took his calling style directly from his father and Marvin Shilling.… View itemDocument
Cowboy Songs and Dances
This is an excerpt-- the dance part; a later song section is omitted-- from an article that includes the author's experiences at a cowboy dance in 1903. The author includes typical patter heard… View itemSound
Texas Square Dance Music - Henry Hudson
This is the 1946 album, 78 rpm, issued by Texas musician Henry Hudson and his Fiddle Band. Hudson recorded on the Henlee label, sometimes with his band being called the Pioneer Fiddle Band. He worked… View itemStill Image
Herb Greggerson - Herb's Blue Bonnet Calls
Greggerson's book, originally published in 1937, contains more than 50 dances, supplemented with photographs and diagrams. The full text is available at the Internet Archive.After a brief foreward… View itemSound
Three Texas squares - Herb Greggerson
These are three examples from Texas caller Herb Greggerson. 1) In Do-Si-Do Fun, hecalls a square that relies heavily on the western docey-do: partner left hand turn, corner right hand, repeated.… View itemWebsite
Arizona Square Dance - 1954
This item contains images of Phoenix college students square dancing outside of the Arizona Star at Western Saddle Club on October 28, 1954 in Phoenix, Arizona. The link takes you to the nine photos… View itemDocument
Texas Square Dance Contests
These are a series of newspaper clippings made by J. Olcutt Sanders, documenting Texas square dance competitions. (Unfortunately, most of them are undated.) We assume that these are from Fort Worth;… View itemDocument
Glencoe Promenade
Description of a square dance figure from south-central New Mexico; the figure probably goes back to the late 1800s. View itemDocument
Texas Cowboys - dance poems and lore
A collection of pieces related to square dance in southwest cowboy culture, published in 1925 View itemDocument
Cowboy Dance (1923 article)
This description of dances on the Texas frontier was included in a 1923 collection, Coffee in the Gourd, edited by J. Frank Dobie for the Texas Folk-Lore Society. The author paints a vivid picture of… View itemDocument
Your Favorite Calls and Callers
This booklet features 30 callers, the majority of whom are from Texas. Each person is represented by a short biography, a photograph, and an example of a dance associated with them. Texas callers and… View item
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