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- Collection: Traditional western
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Jimmy Clossin - personal scrapbook
Jimmy Clossin, of El Paso, was one of the most influential Texas callers in the 1930s and beyond. Author ofWest Texas Square Dances, he also produced numerous albums though as far as we know, he never… View itemStill Image
Jimmy Clossin - photos
This selection of photographs comes from the Jimmy Clossin Papers, held in the Archives of the University of Denver. View itemStill Image
Jimmy Clossin - record album
Cover and label of instrumental album produced by Jimmy Clossin View itemDocument
Ladies to the Center
This short article by Texas dance historian Olcutt Sanders looks at the role played by women in that state's dance history. Sanders notes the early absence of women: "A scarcity of woman… View itemSound
Lady Round the Lady - Carl "Doc" Journell
This tip by Texas square dance caller Carl "Doc" Journell illustrates a series of variations on the Lady Round the Lady figure from southern Appalachian square dance. He has the ladies and gents… View itemStill Image
Lighted Lantern photographs
The Lighted Lantern,also known as the Rocky Mountain Square Dance Camp, was operated by Paul and Pauline Kermiet from 1948to 1967.Photo 1Pauline KermietEd Bossing (important chronicler of dances and… View itemDocument
Lillie Lee Baker
Lillie Lee Baker (Mrs. Paul Baker) was a Texas dance caller, supporter of children's performing square dance groups, and an organizer for Texas square dances. In 1947, she directed square dance… View itemDocument
Lines About Squares - Western Square Dancing
In this article, part of his long-running column, the author looks at the typical programs of Western square dancing in the late 1940s and early 1950s. He discusses the different kinds of patter,… View itemDocument
Lloyd Shaw - Caller of the Month
Article by Mildred Buhler with brief biography and accomplishments of Lloyd Shaw View itemStill Image
Lloyd Shaw's summer class - photos
This collection of photos comes from the family of George and Betty Greene, dancers and organizers from the St. Louis area, and were contibuted to SDHP by Ellen Hocker, their daughter. 1. Lloyd… View itemDocument
Oak Grove Barn
This newspaper article takes a detailed look back at a well-loved venue, the Old Grove Barn in San Antonio. The hall hosted dances from the mid-1930s into the 1960s. Events included a high school… View itemDocument
Old Square Dances of America
In his Square Dances of West Texas booklet and elsewhere, Rickey Holden makes frequent references to Iowa as a source of western dancing: --- There are, not counting the Southern Mountain clogging of… View item
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