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Don Armstrong - progressive squares
Don Armstrong calls a tip that moves dancers from one square to another. At the start of the clip, he alerts dances how this will be done and warns them that when they reach the outside of the hall… View itemSound
Don Armstrong interview - 1994
This interview with Don Armstrong was conducted by Luc Vermeiren and Hilde Dewaelheyns, a member of the AADS board in Belgium, when Don was calling at a folk dance camp in the Czech Republic. An… View itemDocument
Don Armstrong interview - 1994, transcription
This interview with Don Armstrong was conducted by Luc Vermeiren and Hilde Dewaelheyns, a member of the AADS board in Belgium, when Don was calling at a folk dance camp in the Czech Republic. This… View itemMoving Image
Don Beck - patter
Recorded December 1985 at Bay Path Barn, West Boylston, MA. The caller had been one of the founders of Tech Squares at MIT and was that club's first caller, in 1967. Another clip on YouTube, recorded… View itemDocument
Don Beck - square dance background
This is Don Beck's account of how he got interested in square dancing. View itemDocument
Don't Forget, Callers, Our Style Is Always Showing
This is a copy of a section of the minutes of a meeting of the Southern California Callers Association. Bob Van Antwerp presented the training session on the subject of dancing style and how callers… View itemSound
Don't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes - Selmer Hovland
This singing square is based on a popular song of the day. Don't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes" was written in 1952 and appeared in several country versions and a #1 hit in a pop version by… View itemWebsite
DOSADO.COM website
This is a vast site, formerly hosted by Hanhurst's Music Review Service and now (2016) owned by Paul and Mary Ellen Cote. It is a clearing house for all manner of dance information and resources,… View itemDocument
Dosido / Docey-Doe / Do Paso
A collection of comments from the trad-dance-callers discussion group regarding a series of similar-sounding names to describe different movements: dosido, do-si-do, dosado, docey-doe, Do Paso... Also… View itemSound
Double Tea-Cup Chain - Les Gotcher
This is Les Gotcher calling, recorded live at Kirkwood Lodge (Osage Beach, Missouri) at the second annual Les Gotcher Square Dance Institute. We hear Gotcher start with two regular squares doing a… View itemMoving Image
Duluth Stomp
Square dance figure originally created by Lloyd Yesberger (Duluth, MN) and published in Sets in Order, March, 1953. Caller Jim Saxe took the dance and modified it, keeping the key figure, the series… View item
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