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Roughness and Speed - Lloyd Shaw
Fast tempos were apparently much on the mind of the editor of Balance & Swing magazine. After putting a front-page essay on the subject in one issue, the very next issue carried this piece by… View itemWebsite
Round Dance history - the early years
Round dancing refers to choreographed couple dances, prompted by a cuer and found as part of most regular programs of modern square dancing, interspersed with the patter calls and singing squares.… View itemDocument
Round Dances, 1949
Round dances, or dances for couples rather than for groups of couples who interact with each other, have been a part of traditional country dance for ages. In the modern square dance movement, they… View itemDocument
Round Robin correspondence
Long before the internet, a group of a dozen or so square dance callers around the country exchanged ideas through a series of Round Robin letters. (Note: the Square Dance History Project would dearly… View itemMoving Image
Royal Square
This demonstration number is for eight couples forming a tandem square, one inside the other. The choreography was created by Kira Heartsong for Calico and Boots. The High Country Squares club… View itemSound
Sally Goodin - Eddie Carol & his Corn Cobbers
Eddie Carol, called by some "the greatest authority on the American square dance In Australia," was a leading Australia caller who specialized in a singing patter style of calling after… View itemMoving Image
Sandie Bryant - MWSD Challenge-3B Dancing
This video is several segments of dancing at the AACE (Academy of Advanced and Challenge Enthusiasts) event in Milwaukee, WI in June of 2011. The CALLERLAB dance program is Challenge 3B. The callers… View itemDocument
Santa Monica 1950 - Let's Dance
Cover story about the Santa Monica dance from Let's Dance magazine View itemDocument
Santa Monica 1950 - Sets in Order
Bob Osgood was editor and publisher of Sets in Order; he was also one of the prime organizers of the Santa Monica event. Here is his magazine's story about the dance. View itemDocument
Santa Monica 1950 - Don Ward comments
The Trad-Dance-Callers listserv in 2008 had a discussion that touched on the Santa Monica dance. Don Ward was a participant in that event and he shared a few memories with the group. View itemDocument
Santa Monica 1950 - interview with Bob Osgood
As part of his extensive series of interviews with notable figures in the square dance world, Bob Brundage conducted a lengthy interview with Bob Osgood. Included here is the part of that discussion… View itemDocument
Santa Monica 1950 - interview with Dan Allen
"Calling All Folk Dancers" was a weekly radio show created by California caller Mildred Buhler. The next show after the Santa Monica dance included an interview with Dan Allen; this is a… View item
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