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Bruce Johnson interview
This interview with a young Bruce Johnson-- he's 25 at the time-- was conducted by Mildred Buhler as part of her "Calling All Folk Dancers" radio program in 1950-1951. (The illustration is from 20… View itemSound
Jimmy Morris and Tommy Cavanagh interview
Interview with two British callers, conducted by Mildred Buhler and shared with her dancers back in California. The two men were the co-founders, president and vice-president, of the fledgling British… View itemDocument
Doc Alumbaugh - styling
Alumbaugh's "Styling Suggestion for Square Dancing" is a systematic approach to what he sees as the five components: • Poise • Bearing • Rhythm • Timing • Local Mannerisms The… View itemDocument
Ed Gilmore - Caller's Institute
This is a transcription of a presentation made by Ed Gilmore to a group of callers. He starts by outlining his own credentials to be leading such a session, and mentions in passing "that for the last… View itemSound
Bob Osgood
This is a short clip from a tip called by Bob Osgood at the 1954 National Square Dance Convention in Dallas, Texas. The choreography is a 3 Ladies Chain routine. View itemSound
"Doc" Alumbaugh
This is a short clip from a tip called by "Doc" Alumbaugh at the 1954 National Square Dance Convention in Dallas, Texas. The choreography is the "classic" figures Dip and Dive and… View itemSound
Jerry Helt
This is a short clip from a tip called by Jerry Helt at the 1954 National Square Dance Convention in Dallas, Texas. The choreography is the "classic" figure Texas Whirlwind. View itemSound
My Little Girl - Ed Gilmore
This is a short clip from a tip called by Ed Gilmore at the 1954 National Square Dance Convention in Dallas, Texas. Ed is singing the dance My Little Girl. View itemSound
Harper Smith
This is a short clip called by Harper Smith at the National Square Dance Convention in Dallas, Texas in April of 1954. The choreography is hand turn hash with several Allemande Breaks. View itemSound
Bill Shymkus
This is a short clip of a tip called by Bill Shymkus at the 3rd National Square Dance Convention in Dallas , Texas. The choreography is the goal post pattern that was very common at that time. View itemDocument
Texas Cowboys - dance poems and lore
A collection of pieces related to square dance in southwest cowboy culture, published in 1925 View itemDocument
Cowboys' Christmas Ball - Anson, Texas
Poem written in 1890 describing the Cowboys' Christmas Ball in Anson, Texas. For more information about the author, see this website on cowboy poetry. The Ball continues, following the original rules… View item
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