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Ozarks - Old Time Fiddling
Article about Ozark fiddling traditions, including a long section on fiddler Bob Holt, heard playing on videos elsewhere on this site. View itemMoving Image
Ozarks - Cooper's Barn Square #4
Cabool, Missouri: Ozark square dance footage recorded by Gordon McCann and shared with the Square Dance History Project. The fiddler is Bob Holt, recipient of the National Heritage Fellowship in 1999.… View itemMoving Image
Ozarks - Cooper's Barn Square #5
Cabool, Missouri: Ozark square dance footage recorded by Gordon McCann and shared with the Square Dance History Project. The fiddler is Bob Holt, recipient of the National Heritage Fellowship in 1999.… View itemMoving Image
Ozarks - Taney Center Square #1
Footage recorded in Forsyth, Missouri, by Gordon McCann and shared with the Square Dance History Project. The fiddler is Bob Holt, recipient of the National Heritage Fellowship in 1999. The tempo is… View itemMoving Image
Ozarks - Taney Center Square #2
Footage recorded in Forsyth, Missouri, by Gordon McCann and shared with the Square Dance History Project. The fiddler is Bob Holt, recipient of the National Heritage Fellowship in 1999. The tempo here… View itemSound
Pack Up Your Troubles / Three-Quarter Promenade (clip) - Rod Linnell
The tune is Pack Up Your Troubles. Linnell's calls were released on the Rodeo label (Canada, RXP1), with music by The Maritime All Stars. View itemMoving Image
Paddock Parade - Don Armstrong
Recorded at the York Contra Holiday, November, 1996; Don Armstrong, caller. His instructions for the dance can be found here. (If that website is unavailable, they are also reprinted below.) From a… View itemSound
Paddy Dear (clip) - Lawrence Loy
According to a detailed discography, this was recorded January 1946 at RCA Victor Studio, 155 E, 24th St., Manhattan, New York City - Carson Robison and His Buckaroos View itemDocument
Pageant of American Square Dance History, 1959
This lengthy presentation of square dance history was presented at the Eighth National Square Dance Convention in Denver, 1959. Researched and organized by Dorothy Shaw after Lloyd Shaw's death in… View itemMoving Image
Paine's First Set of Quadrilles, 1815
Paine's First Set of Quadrilles 1815 Nederlands Historisch Dans-en Theaterensemble, artistic director Maria Angad Gaur Performance: Jane Austen Bal, The Netherlands 2006 Part 2,3,4,5 and 6 only danced… View itemMoving Image
Paine's First Set Quadrille (1815) - Quadrille Club
Danced by the Quadrille Club, under the direction of Ellis Rogers. The fourth figure (Trenis) has been omitted here.For comparison, this collection also includes the same dance performed by Nederlands… View itemDocument
Pam McKeever - biography
Biographical information about caller Pam McKeever, Albuquerque View item
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