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Sally Goodin - Eddie Carol & his Corn Cobbers
Eddie Carol, called by some "the greatest authority on the American square dance In Australia," was a leading Australia caller who specialized in a singing patter style of calling after… View itemWebsite
Edson Cole
This site looks at the career and music of Edson Cole, a New Hampshire fiddler and dancing master in the early part of the 1900s. Here, from a 78rpm recording, he is directing the changes for the… View itemSound
Grand Square - Edson Cole
This dance starts with the Grand Square figure, along with other calls common to the 5th figure of the Lancers.Edson Cole was a fiddler and dancing master from Freedom, NH. He was documentedby Eloise… View itemWebsite
Michigan Fiddle Style
Folklorist Eliot Singer presented a paper—"How to Start Figuring Out What "Michigan Fiddle Style" Is"—at a Michigan Historical Society meeting in 1988. In it, he references… View itemMoving Image
Elizabeth Burchenal footage 1 - Old Dan Tucker
Elizabeth Burchenal leading a group in Old Dan Tucker, a dance with with an extra gent in the center, a square dance related to the Ninepin. Recorded at Coney Island; see Tilyou's Steeplechase… View itemMoving Image
Elizabeth Burchenal 2 - big set in field
Brief shot of Elizabeth Burchenal herself at the start; shots of musicians (guitar, 2 banjos, fiddle) at 2:51 Figures include: Opposite turn by right hand; partner turn by left hand; swing… View itemMoving Image
Elizabeth Burchenal 4 - big set, rooftop
In this dance, the lead couple passes around their neighbors, and while behind them passes each other by the right hand, then returns to the center of the set, swings the opposite, and moves on to the… View itemMoving Image
Elizabeth Burchenal 5 - square dance
Several figures incorporated into four-couple square dance, with the men doing some fancy footwork. Starting at 2:16 and until the end, notice the musicians, two fiddlers and a banjo. The fiddlers… View itemDocument
"Folk Dances of the United States: Regional Types and Origins"
Scholarly presentation by noted dance researcher Elizabeth Burchenal and published in the Journal of the International Folk Music Council. Burchenal begins her talk thus: "The term "folk… View itemDocument
Square Dances and Fiddle Tunes of New England
This is an unpublished manuscript by Eloise Hubbard Linscott, author ofFolksongs of New England. In it, she aims to present a representative picture of the dances and tunes that she found at New… View itemDocument
Sashay newsletter, Vermont, 1953
Sashay was a country dance bulletin published by musician Emerson Lang, of Danville, Vermont. It's clear from the contents that Lang's readers were open to many styles-- mention is made of squares,… View item
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