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Bill Litchman 2b - Lloyd Shaw, part 2
Bill Litchman continues his discussion about educator Lloyd "Pappy" Shaw and the important role he played in square dance. Here, he focuses on the impact that Shaw's Cheyenne Mountain… View itemMoving Image
Bill Litchman 2a - Lloyd Shaw, part 1
An interview with caller Bill Litchman about educator Lloyd "Pappy" Shaw and the important role he played in square dance. Many see Shaw as a defining figure in the transition from… View itemMoving Image
Bill Litchman 3 - Dorothy Shaw
Lloyd Shaw is the name that is widely recognized as an important figure in square dance history; here, caller Bill Litchman describes the crucial role played by Dorothy Shaw, his wife, and says that… View itemMoving Image
Bill Litchman 1 - Traditional Western Squares
Caller Bill Litchman discusses characteristic features of traditional western square dances, incorporating his memory of Colorado dances that he encountered starting in the 1950s.For a more detailed… View itemMoving Image
Tony Parkes 3 - Changes in New England squares
Caller Tony Parkes discusses some changes that took place in New England squares, particularly in the years after World War II as the modern square dance movement developed. View itemMoving Image
Tony Parkes 2 - Quadrilles and Visiting Couple Squares
In this interview, caller Tony Parkes describes the basic structure of quadrilles, the 19th century dance form that set the pattern for traditional New England squares, and contrasts that with… View itemMoving Image
Tony Parkes 1 -
New England Squares
In this videotaped interview, caller Tony Parkes discusses the typical characteristics of northeastern traditional squares in general, and New England squares in particular. View itemStill Image
Square Dance equipment
This collection of photographs illustrates some of the electronic equipment used by square dance callers-- speakers, speaker stands, record players, tape decks, microphones with different… View itemDocument
Square Dance ~ Where?
A comprehensive, large (72 pp.) booklet describing square dance activities in northern California in the mid-1950s, attesting to the popularity of the activity at that time and place. Note:… View itemDocument
Balance & Swing (TX)
Edited and published by Swede Soderberg and Jim White, with an all-star cast of advisors: Ray Smith, Joe Lewis, and Bill Palmer View item
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