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Masaru Wada - 2010 Milestone Award
Text of the CALLERLAB Milestone award presented to caller Masaru Wada of Japan, as well as the speech made by Mike Seastrom in presenting the award. Seastrom acknowledged, "While there are other… View itemSound
Maryland Line Square Dance, 1974: Little Brown Jug (Birdie In the Cage)
Recorded by Bob Dalsemer, January 5, 1974 at the Maryland Line Fire Hall, Maryland Line, MD. Caller: Donald "Jake" Jacoby Band: The Saw Mill Boys This visiting couple square has a quick… View itemSound
Maryland Line Square Dance, 1974: Grand Square (Bye, Bye, My Baby)
Recorded by Bob Dalsemer, January 5, 1974 at the Maryland Line Fire Hall, Maryland Line, MD. Caller: Donald "Jake" Jacoby Band: The Saw Mill Boys This version is a bit unusual in that… View itemMoving Image
Maryland Line Square Dance Sampler - Bob Dalsemer
Bob Dalsemer leads a workshop on "Dances of Maryland Line," a small town in northern Maryland that he visited often in the 1970s. Attentive viewers will note the distinctive style of… View itemDocument
Mary Jo (Bradford) Brearley - interview
Teenager Mary Jo (Bradford) Brearley and her younger brother John were the first teems to attend Lloyd Shaw's summer institute in Colorado. Her mother, also Mary Jo, was a physical education… View itemSound
Mary Ann - Marshall Flippo
This is a short clip of Marshall Flippo calling at a dance in 1970 the singing call Mary Ann (originally recorded by C.O. Guest on Kalox label #K1107) View itemSound
Marvin Shilling - live recording, hash, 1953
Early MWSD choreographyIn his introduction (not heard here) to this tip, Marvin Shilling comments: "I don't suppose anybody'll get lost at all, but if you do, just keep on dancing, even if you've got… View itemMoving Image
Marshall Flippo interview
Marshall Flippo is one of the most popular and durable of MWSD callers. This is a recent interview with him done at the Riverside County Square Dance Festival in November of 2011. View itemMoving Image
Marlbrouk Cotillion
This dance turns up in the Revolutionary War years of the United States. Here it's danced by a group of students from Brigham Young University. Note the bouncy rigadoon step, which originated in… View itemMoving Image
Marina - Rich Sbardella - MWSD Early – Basic Program
This video is of a dance at the Powder Mill Barn in Enfield, CT. The barn is owned by Ralph Sweet. The caller is Rich Sbardella. Rich is a disciple of Dick Leger and calls in Dick's style which,… View itemSound
Marie Hawes - patter
For more information, see the exhibit on women callers in modern square dance. View item
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