Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

Browse Items (1926 total)


Marie Armstrong interview - notes

This is a rough log of the three video files that were combined for the published interview with Marie Armstrong. This will give interested viewers a summary of her comments and may help you move… View item
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Marie Armstrong Interview

Marie Armstrong was a longtime leader of recreation activities, including square dance, contra, and folk dance, as well as leading singing. She was married to caller Don Armstrong for many decades.… View item

Marie Armstrong - patter

Patter tip called by Marie Armstrong, Kittery, Maine, October, 1960. There are some problems with the original tape, resulting in a 5-second gap at 1:48 and a 7-second gap at 2:50. Rather than edit… View item
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Marianne - Tony Parkes

Recorded at the Greenfield, MA, Grange Hall on June 27, 2010. The event was sponsored by Country Dance and Song Society to celebrate the publication of "On the Beat with Ralph Sweet."In his… View item

Maria - Gloria Rios Roth

Gloria Rios Roth calling a singing call at a dance in New England in 1960. View item

Marching Through Georgia - Worley Gardner

(Note: This site also contains a video clip of the dance as called by New England caller Dudley Laufman.)from the chapter on Morgantown, WV, in West Virginia Square Dances, by Bob DalsemerSinging… View item
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Marching Through Georgia - Jim Kimball

Afternoon workshop of traditional New York state square dances Sponsored by the Southern Tier Country Dance Society Saturday, May 14, 2016 Cuba Grange Cuba, NY Jim Kimball, caller and button… View item
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Marching Through Georgia - Dudley Laufman

Better known for his barn dances and as a contra dance caller, Dudley Laufman also includes some traditional squares in his repertoire. Here, joined by his wife Jacqueline-- "Two Fiddles" -- he leads… View item

Maple Sugar Gal (clip) - Rod Linnell

This clip includes once through the figure, once through the chorus (which comes after each figure), and the closing break, which mirrors the start of the dance.The dance is described in detail in… View item
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Maple Sugar Gal - Tod Whittemore

Singing square, called by Tod Whittemore at the 24th annual Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend in Durham, NH.The musicians are Bob McQuillen, piano; Randy Miller, fiddle; Peter Siegel, mandolin. The late… View item
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Maple Sugar - Don Messer and His Islanders

No calls, just a choreographed routine from Messer's popular television show. The dances on the Don Messer show were choreographed by Gunter Buchta; he created two new dances each week for the show.… View item
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Malcolm McLaren, Buffalo Gals

Hip hop video riffing on square dancing, released in 1982 Another video shows the same material presented in a concert setting.McLaren was an English musician, performer, manager of the Sex Pistols,… View item