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Foot 'n Fiddle – Marlys Waller recollections
Marlys Waller was one of the people involved in the Texas square dance activities of the late 1940s. With several colleagues, in 1946 she helped found Foot 'n Fiddle, one of the earliest of the square… View itemSound
Auctioneer (1958 original - clip) - Marshall Flippo
This is an audio clip of the first of three recordings Marshall Flippo made of this tune; this is the recording that launched his career as a square dance caller. Transcription provided by Jeff… View itemSound
Auctioneer (remake - clip) - Marshall Flippo
This is a remake in the 1970s by Marshall Flippo of his big hit. For this version, he changed the choreography to reflect changes in MWSD, and the music also has a very different sound. This is Blue… View itemSound
Patter - Marshall Flippo
This is a short clip of Marshall Flippo calling a patter call at a dance in New England in 1970. View itemSound
Mary Ann - Marshall Flippo
This is a short clip of Marshall Flippo calling at a dance in 1970 the singing call Mary Ann (originally recorded by C.O. Guest on Kalox label #K1107) View itemDocument
Fun, Vitality, Life: Square Dancing in Central City, Colorado
This article provides a historical overview of the dance performances in Central City, Colorado. The program began with Lloyd Shaw and one group of dancers in 1936, and expanded over the years. This… View itemSound
Marvin Shilling - live recording, hash, 1953
Early MWSD choreographyIn his introduction (not heard here) to this tip, Marvin Shilling comments: "I don't suppose anybody'll get lost at all, but if you do, just keep on dancing, even if you've got… View itemSound
Arkansas Traveller - Marvin Shilling, 1953
Colorado caller Marv Shilling calls the Arkansas Traveller, recorded live. At the start, he reviews the Wagon Wheel figure. View item
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