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Trinidad Twister - Marvin Shilling
This recording by Colorado caller Marvin Shilling—the Trinidad of the title refers to the Colorado location rather than the Caribbean island—was recorded in 1953; it appeared on the Western Jubilee… View itemSound
Hurry Hurry Hurry - Marvin Shilling, live, 1953
Jim Mayo: I believe this is the figure used by Doc Alumbaugh in the original Windsor Records recording. The method of setting up lines of four is unusual today. At the time this recording was made in… View itemDocument
Advancing in Dancing – Mary and Fred Collette
This is a lengthy syllabus describing some 400 dances, along with occasional commentary. It appears to represent a program presented by the Collettes, Ralph Page, and Don Armstrong at a Dixie Folk… View itemDocument
Adirondack Square Dancing
The author describes her experiences traditional square dancing in the Adirondacks from 1918 to 1965, when she began modern squares. This story appeared in the final edition of Ralph Page's Northern… View itemDocument
Reminiscences of Lloyd Shaw - Mary Jo Bradford
Mary Jo Bradford was a physical education teacher in Tulsa, Oklahoma, when she encountered Lloyd Shaw and the Cheyenne Mountain Dancers in 1946. That summer, she traveled to Colorado Springs to study… View itemDocument
Mary Jo (Bradford) Brearley - interview
Teenager Mary Jo (Bradford) Brearley and her younger brother John were the first teems to attend Lloyd Shaw's summer institute in Colorado. Her mother, also Mary Jo, was a physical education… View itemDocument
Square Dance in Japan - organization
This piece by Masaru Wada, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Japan Square Dancers Association, presents an overview of modern square dance in that country. View itemSound
Wakamono Tachi - Masaru Wada
Excerpt from recording by caller Masaru Wada, with calls in English but with additional lyrics in Japanese View itemMoving Image
Eriskay Quadrilles - Scottish square
Performed to Allan MacDonald on the pipes. Ceolas Summer School, Eriskay Ceilidh, Scotland. Notice the aerial figure created by the two side couples at 5:45! View itemWebsite
Square Dance Videos - MWSD
Caller Matt McGovern <> has started a YouTube channel devoted to modern square dancing, including his own videos and those contributed by others. This collection offers a… View itemDocument
Square-Dance Figures from Northern New York State, 1931
Maud Karpeles was a close associate of Cecil Sharp, the English folksong collector and founder of the English Folk Dance Society. While in Appalachia in 1917, Sharp and Karpeles had their first… View item
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