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"Folk Dances of the United States: Regional Types and Origins"
Scholarly presentation by noted dance researcher Elizabeth Burchenal and published in the Journal of the International Folk Music Council. Burchenal begins her talk thus: "The term "folk… View itemSound
Allemande Hash - Carroll White
Another dance from "A Night at Sunny Hills," a series of records "for experienced square dancers," released in 1951. As the name suggests, the Allemande Hash contains variations on allemandes,… View itemStill Image
A Night at Sunny Hills
Album cover, inside text, and a related record label. This recording, from 1951, illustrates what was considered appropriate material for experienced square dancers at that time in southern… View itemSound
Yucaipa Roll Away - Carroll White
The dance was created by Ed Gilmore, who ran a hardware store in Yucaipa, CA, when he started his calling career. The dance was published in 1950 in Square Dancing: The Newer and Advanced Dances, by… View itemWebsite
Neil Barden - Square and Contra Dance Figures and Definitions
(The link above will take you to the website of the Square Dance Foundation of New England, where you can download a copy of Barden's booklet.)Square & Contra Dance Figures & Definitions was… View itemDocument
Push Your Pa and Shove Your Ma
PUSH YOUR PA AND SHOVE YOUR MA P.53From Wes McVicar’s 75 More Square DancesMusic: Doc Boyd's jigThird changeINTRODUCTIONThe first couple balance The first couple swing.FIGUREGo down the center split… View itemDocument
Alex Boustead – biographical info
Alex Boustead was also one of the founding members of the Canadian Olde Tyme Square Dance Callers Association. He was introduced to squares in the winter of 1931-32, and in a short time he started… View itemDocument
Lloyd Shaw - Caller of the Month
Article by Mildred Buhler with brief biography and accomplishments of Lloyd Shaw View itemDocument
Ray Smith - Sally Goodin and a Do-Si-Do
Ray Smith was the "Caller of the Month" in Let's Dance magazine, published by the Folk Dance Federation of California, Northern Section. View itemDocument
West Texans Do It Differently
In this 1949 article, caller Jimmy Clossin describes some of the distinguishing characteristics of west Texas square dance: "Many people think when Western Square Dancing is mentioned that we… View itemStill Image
Chuck Jones - Bugs Bunny square dance
This cartoon of Bugs Bunny all duded up and ready for a square dance, and the accompanying note, were made by Chuck Jones for Harriet Kline.Chuck Jones was an enthusiastic square dancer; see the… View itemMoving Image
Back to Donegal - Bob Dalsemer
Bob Dalsemer calls this singing square, with music provided by Notorious (Eden MacAdam Somer on fiddle, Larry Unger on guitar). Recorded January 18, 2013, at the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend,… View item
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