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Square Dance Articles - Buddy Weaver resources page
Buddy Weaver has collected on his website a series of transcriptions and printed essays by numerous well-respected square dance callers. On this site, you'll find pieces by Doc Alumbaugh, Ed… View itemWebsite
Hilton Kelly - Catskill fiddler & caller
Article about Catskills fiddler and caller Hilton Kelly, who has been playing and calling square dances in that region of New York for more than 75 years. Kelly died March 3, 2015; his death was noted… View itemDocument
Square Dance Revival in Lincoln [Nebraska], 1940–1950
[Note: Large file may take a while to load completely.] This detailed booklet describes the revival of square dancing in Lincoln, Nebraska, and offers resources to encourage further growth. After… View itemWebsite
Al Brundage & the Pioneer Trio, 1951
Recorded live at his Country Barn, this recording features caller Al Brundage and the Pioneer Trio. Also included are comments made by Al Brundage about how this recording came to be.1 - Mountain Rag… View itemDocument
The Beginnings of Modern Square Dancing - Jim Mayo
Article by Jim Mayo looking at the transition from traditional to modern square dancing, a short version of the ideas presented at length in his book. View itemSound
Chicken Plucker - Lee Helsel
This is an excerpt of a 1957 recording (Sets in Order #1102) by Lee Helsel that was the first recording of the Chicken Plucker routine created by Bill Shymkus. The dance figures appeared in the… View itemDocument
Chicken Plucker - choreographic innovation
The Chicken Plucker routine created by Bill Shymkus appeared in the October 1957 issue of Sets in Order; the same issue contained ads for the new record release by Lee Helsel. This routine is… View itemMoving Image
Rod's Quad #2 - double quadrille
Dance written by Rod Linnell; the video includes a variation created by the caller, Lisa Greenleaf. (Rod Linnell composed five double quadrilles, which are published in "Square Dances from a… View itemMoving Image
Warp and Weft - grid square
Grid square composed by Rick Mohr; dance directions on his website. Called here by Lisa Greenleaf; the tune is Julia Delaney, played by Daron Douglas (fiddle), Anna Patton (clarinet), and Karen… View itemSound
Bruce Johnson, patter - 1961
Live recording of Bruce Johnson calling to a jig. Jim Mayo comments: "Bruce kept on using 6/8 time music long after most others had abandoned it. It also shows his nearly unique ability to… View itemDocument
Six Styles of Square Dance - Rickey Holden
Trying to categorize the different varieties of square dance can be a challenging task. Noted caller and dance historian Rickey Holden published his thoughts in this 1955 article in his American… View itemDocument
Feature Square Dancer - Nebraska, 1956
These are excerpts from two early issues (Vol. 1, #1 and #4, both 1956) of the Feature Square Dancer, a newspaper published by Bill Shilling, brother of Colorado caller Marvin Shilling. To see similar… View item
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