Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

Browse Items (1926 total)


Lines About Squares - Western Square Dancing

In this article, part of his long-running column, the author looks at the typical programs of Western square dancing in the late 1940s and early 1950s. He discusses the different kinds of patter,… View item
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Lisa Greenleaf 1 - working with a contra mentor

First in a series of six. Lisa Greenleaf, a well-known caller of traditional squares and modern squares from the 1950s and 1960s, describes how she got started as a contra caller. She describes… View item
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Lisa Greenleaf 2 - discovering squares

Second in a series of six Lisa described how she moved into squares, discovering exciting squares at Pinewoods Camp from the calling of Larry Edelman and Kathy Anderson. Later, also at Pinewoods,… View item
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Lisa Greenleaf 3 - modern and traditional squares

Third in a series of six Lisa is one of a relatively small number of individuals who dance both modern and traditional squares. Here she describes what she likes about each form. View item
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Lisa Greenleaf 4 - finding material

Fourth in a series of six In this segment, Lisa offers some advice for individuals interested in learning to call squares. She also discusses where to find new material, and describes the difficulties… View item
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Lisa Greenleaf 5 - squares in the contra culture

Fifth in a series of six Lisa is a well-known caller of contras and squares, usually working at events that are advertised for contra dancers. She discusses some of the challenges of incorporating… View item
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Lisa Greenleaf 6 - the future of squares

Last in a series of six Lisa talks about ways to keep modern square dancing alive in the future. She cites the Pacific Northwest Teen Competition as one promising model to involve young people, and… View item
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Listen to the Mockingbird - Adam Boyce

Traditional singing square dance, recorded in West Newbury, VT, on July 24, 2010. The caller and fiddler is Adam Boyce, accompanied by piano player Donna Weston. View item
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Listen to the Mockingbird - Bob Livingston

Bob Livingston calls at the Killingly, CT, dance, a regular series he has been doing since 1988, although he reports that there have been dances there "forever." The musicians are… View item
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Listen to the Mockingbird - Lester Bradley

Lester Bradley (caller and guitar) with Paul Amey, fiddle, joined by other musicians: Bob Reed, banjo; David Colburn, guitar; George Randall, 12 string guitar, spoons; Mike Hebb, fiddle; Sylvia… View item

Listen to the Mockingbird (Birdie in the Cage) - Donald "Jake" Jacoby

Recorded by Bob Dalsemer, January 5, 1974 at the Maryland Line Fire Hall, Maryland Line, MD. Caller: Donald "Jake" Jacoby Band: The Saw Mill Boys This visiting couple square has a quick… View item
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Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane - George Hodgson

The song was written by William Shakespeare Hays in 1875, and George Hodgson is the caller for the singing square, recorded January 16, 2004, at the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend, Durham, NH. The… View item