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Irving Andert - dance videos
This is a selection of clips showing some of the different dances called by Irving Andert. Recorded by Paul Trowbridge at the Brooklyn (CT) Grange, July 9, 1983. The program is a typical evening of… View itemWebsite
Midwestern Fiddle Masters:
Michigan's Les Raber and Indiana's Francis Geels
Biographies of two fiddlers, each of whom played extensively for square dances in Michigan and Indiana. View itemDocument
Oak Grove Barn
This newspaper article takes a detailed look back at a well-loved venue, the Old Grove Barn in San Antonio. The hall hosted dances from the mid-1930s into the 1960s. Events included a high school… View itemMoving Image
Pearl Beer square dance commercial
This mid-1950s advertisement for Pearl Beer features San Antonio television personality Thomas Reynolds. The square dancers are dancing in the style popularized in the 1930s by caller Bob Sumrall.… View itemDocument
Mica Flats, Idaho - traditional dance
This article describes traditional dances in Mica Flats, Idaho, eight miles south of Coeur d'Alene. It was written by Penn Fix as a chapter in his book, Contra Dancing in the Northwest. View itemDocument
Southern Missouri Jig Dancing
This 28 page booklet was Volume One of a projected series on Traditional Dance in Missouri. It is based on extensive fieldwork by the authors in two southern Missouri counties, Wayne and Douglas. The… View itemWebsite
Peter Beemer manuscript - Idaho
This is a collection of mid-19th century dance tunes from a remote Idaho location; as such, it is a useful record of the music being used for dances of the period. This website also contains… View itemWebsite
Eastern Kentucky Folk Dancing Oral History Project
This is a collection of recorded interviews that document the development of traditional square and related dance activity in southeastern Kentucky. The interviews were with mostly elderly residents… View itemDocument
Mal Hayden - Seacoast Demonstration - analysis of dances and tunes
This is a detailed look at the dances, figures, and tunes used in the Seacoast Demonstration called by Mal Hayden. View itemWebsite
"Barn Dances with Calls"
Article published in The Old-Time Herald (Volume 7, Number 8) discussing what can be learned from a careful study of old dance records. Includes a discography. View itemMoving Image
Big Set square dance called by Phil Jamison
Phil Jamisonn calls at the Dare To Be Square weekend held November 18-20, 2011, at the John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC. Figures included in this version include right hands across, Georgia… View itemDocument
Square Dance in Haywood County, NC
Detailed look at western North Carolina, a region rich in square dance traditions including that of Sam Queen and the Soco Gap Square Dancers. Jamison starts his article with a look at the turn of the… View item
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