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Meet the Docey-Doe Family - 1949
Square dancers in the late 1940s and 1950s encountered a variety of similar-sounding terms meaning very different figures. The do-si-do / docey-doe / dos-a-dos / do-paso confusion produced several… View itemSound
Bluebonnet Squares with Melton Luttrell
These are recordings of two sessions led by Melton Luttrell at the 1987 National Square Dance Convention in Houston, Texas. The focus of his sessions was square dancing as led by Herb Greggerson in… View itemMoving Image
Docey-Doe hoedown #2 - Bill Litchman
Caller Bill Litchman calling a mix of traditional figures. He explained, "I used three or four visiting couple figures and then the Colorado-style Docey-Doe each couple following up as the dance… View itemMoving Image
Docey-Doe hoedown #1 - Bill Litchman
Caller Bill Litchman at a dance workshop in Belgium, May, 1991, first teaching the Colorado docey-doe figure, then using it in a called dance, interspersing it with a series of traditional figures:… View itemDocument
Six Styles of Square Dance - Rickey Holden
Trying to categorize the different varieties of square dance can be a challenging task. Noted caller and dance historian Rickey Holden published his thoughts in this 1955 article in his American… View itemWebsite
Traditional Square Dance Figures
One section of the Lloyd Shaw Foundation's website provides detailed instructions (and source information) for 20 figures from traditional Western and southern Appalachian squares:Arkansas… View itemDocument
Les Gotcher - Square Dancin'
Published in 1950, the book contains directions to 100 dances, as well as photographs illustrating basic moves for beginners. Among those are Do-Ci-Do, Docey, Do-Sa-Do, and Do-Paso. (see the Contents… View itemDocument
Docey-doe / Do Paso agreement
Docey-doe / Do Paso / Do-si-do / Dos a Dosexcerpt from Step by Step Through Modern Square Dance History by Jim Mayo... Others were more receptive to change. Another action that spread, probably from… View itemDocument
Bill Litchman - Rocky Mountain Square Dancing
This overview of square dance history focuses on two major groups of square dance. One group (northern, Eastern, Maritime, etc.) relies on quadrille-style figures, with couples interacting across the… View item
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