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Classic Dances of 1960
This recording comes from the 2001 CALLERLAB convention. (The audio recording is alsoavailable online here.)Jim Mayo, the CALLERLAB President at that time, was the MC, and he explains the start of the… View itemSound
Progressive Squares - Jerry Helt
This half hour recording comes from a 1998 CALLERLAB session led by Jerry Helt, widely known for his use of progressive squares. (We appreciate CALLERLAB giving permission to share the material here.… View itemDocument
Classic Squares of 1960 - CALLERLAB demonstration
This is the handout of a workshop held at CALLERLAB's 2001 convention. The goal was to illustrate square dancing in 1960, a time when modern square dancing was branching off in new directions. This… View itemSound
Jerry Helt
This is a short clip from a tip called by Jerry Helt at the 1954 National Square Dance Convention in Dallas, Texas. The choreography is the "classic" figure Texas Whirlwind. View itemDocument
Feature Square Dancer - Nebraska, 1956
These are excerpts from two early issues (Vol. 1, #1 and #4, both 1956) of the Feature Square Dancer, a newspaper published by Bill Shilling, brother of Colorado caller Marvin Shilling. To see similar… View itemMoving Image
Visit with the Legends, 2012
Each year's CALLERLAB convention includes a History / Heritage / Tradition session. For several years, this has been titled "Visit with the Legends," at which MWSD callers with long… View itemMoving Image
Tin Lizzie Quadrille - Bob Dalsemer
The dance was written by Jerry Helt and recorded on MacGregor Records #816-A. Jerry writes, “It was inspired by the late Henry Ford who inspired so many of us with his ‘Tin Lizzie’!… View itemDocument
Square dance callers - photos
A series of square dance magazine covers featuring these modern square dance callers: Baldwin, Charlie Brower, Jim Brundage, Al Burdick, Stan Calhoun, Louis Castner, Bill Davis,… View itemSound
Dusty Roads (clip) - Jerry Helt
Categorized here as Mainstream, at the time this recording was released the calls were considered part of CALLERLAB's Basic program.This excerpt, included here for educational purposes, comes from a… View itemMoving Image
Best Things in Life Are Free - Jerry Helt
From the "Jerry Helt's Dance Party" video (KDF-003). This is a video and audio cassette for non-dancers, people of all ages, square dancers, school groups, square dance callers, and collectors,… View itemMoving Image
Six Pass Thru - Tony Parkes
Tony Parkes, caller. Recorded at Dare To Be Square, Brasstown, NC, November 19, 2011. Musicians for this session were Steve Hickman and Jim Morrison, fiddles; Claudio Buchwald, piano; and Sam… View item
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