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Meet the Docey-Doe Family - 1949
Square dancers in the late 1940s and 1950s encountered a variety of similar-sounding terms meaning very different figures. The do-si-do / docey-doe / dos-a-dos / do-paso confusion produced several… View itemSound
Jimmy Morris and Tommy Cavanagh interview
Interview with two British callers, conducted by Mildred Buhler and shared with her dancers back in California. The two men were the co-founders, president and vice-president, of the fledgling British… View itemSound
Bruce Johnson interview
This interview with a young Bruce Johnson-- he's 25 at the time-- was conducted by Mildred Buhler as part of her "Calling All Folk Dancers" radio program in 1950-1951. (The illustration is from 20… View itemSound
Cal Golden - interview and four dances
Note: There are five separate audio clips in this item, and it may take a little longer than usual to load. We start with an interview with a young Cal Golden conducted by Mildred Buhler as part… View itemDocument
Mildred Buhler - biography
Article by Bert Spinney that provides brief biographical information about caller Mildred Buhler and her involvement in starting the British Association of American Square Dance Clubs. Additional… View itemDocument
Let's Square Dance (England)
The organization publishing this monthly journal was greatly aided by California caller Mildred Buhler, who became a patron of the group when she moved to London in the early 1950s. For a series of… View itemDocument
Lloyd Shaw - Caller of the Month
Article by Mildred Buhler with brief biography and accomplishments of Lloyd Shaw View itemDocument
Ray Smith - Sally Goodin and a Do-Si-Do
Ray Smith was the "Caller of the Month" in Let's Dance magazine, published by the Folk Dance Federation of California, Northern Section. View itemMoving Image
Reach for the Stars - British callers
This singing call was made for promotional purposes by the British Association of American Square Dancing Clubs (BAASDC) in 2001. It features seven top British callers calling to two squares. The… View itemMoving Image
Mildred Buhler demonstration group
Contributor Paul Moore writes: "In the late 1940's through the early 50's there was a very popular caller in Northern California named Mildred Buhler. The film was Mildred calling to the demonstration… View item
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