1976 NSDC - highlights
The National Square Dance Convention in 1976, the US Bicentennial year, was the largest in the history of that event. The convention took place in Anaheim, California, and included a historical pageant. This video shows some highlights of that event, including a short conversation with Dorothy Stott Shaw. Unlike some of the many other videos on the SDHP website about the event, this one includes examples of more than just the dancing, thus presenting a broader portrait of this event.
Subjects: Modern square dance - general
Tags: 1976, Anaheim, National Square Dance Convention, NSDC
Item Relations
This Item | is related to | Item: National Square Dance Convention 1976 - TV coverage |
This Item | is related to | Item: A Past To Remember - NSDC 1976 |
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The National Square Dance Convention in 1976, the US Bicentennial year, was the largest in the history of that event. The convention took place in Anaheim, California, and included a historical pageant. This video shows some highlights of that event, including a short conversation with Dorothy Stott Shaw. Unlike some of the many other videos on the SDHP website about the event, this one includes examples of more than just the dancing, thus presenting a broader portrait of this event.