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Southern California Square Dance "Gold Rush"
This essay, from the program booklet of the 1976 National Square Dance Convention, provides an overview of early square dancing in southern California. That year's NSDC was held in Anaheim, CA,… View itemMoving Image
1976 NSDC - highlights
The National Square Dance Convention in 1976, the US Bicentennial year, was the largest in the history of that event. The convention took place in Anaheim, California, and included a historical… View itemMoving Image
1976 NSDC - history pageant
The National Square Dance Convention in 1976, the US Bicentennial year, was the largest in the history of that event. Part of that event was a historical pageant coordinated by Dorothy Stott Shaw, the… View itemMoving Image
National Square Dance Convention 1976 - TV coverage
The National Square Dance Convention in 1976, the US Bicentennial year, was the largest in the history of that event. The convention took place in Anaheim, California, and this video is coverage by a… View itemMoving Image
A Past To Remember - NSDC 1976
This half-hour video documents the 1976 National Square Dance Convention, held in Anaheim, CA. It was the largest NSDC in history, coming at the time of the Bicentennial. It included an elaborate… View itemDocument
1976 Square Dance Historical Pageant
Cal Campbell provides this account of the production of the historical pageant at the 1976 National Square Dance Convention. View itemDocument
American Square Dancing - 1976 NSDC historical pageant
This is the program, prepared by Cal Campbell, that accompanied the square dance historical pageant at the 1976 National Square Dance Convention in Anaheim, CA. See the next item in the SDHP… View itemMoving Image
Bob Ruff - Square Dancing Fundamentals, part 2
Also available elsewhere online.This is the second of two films created by caller Bob Ruff (Whittier, CA) to accompany his record, "The Fundamentals of Square Dancing, Level 1" that in turn is part of… View itemMoving Image
Bob Ruff - Square Dancing Fundamentals, Level 1
Caller Bob Ruff (Whittier, CA) created this video to accompany his record, "The Fundamentals of Square Dancing, Level 1" that in turn accompanies a square dance teaching series he created with Jack… View item
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