Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

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  • Subject is exactly "Gender Neutral Calling"

Seated Square Dance Resources

Massachusetts caller Fred Wersan has compiled a comprehensive list of square dance figures adapted for seated dancers.On his website Fred says, " I learned about sitting square dances from Rick Hill… View item

Appalachian Square Dance Callers Making the Scene More Welcoming

This radio story (and transcription) originally aired November 26, 2023 as a part of Inside Appalachia by West Virginia Public Broadcasting. The story highlights one group of callers and musicians in… View item
Moving Image

Seated Square Dance, Janine Smith

Caller Janine Smith (MD) calling a seated (sitting) square dance in a video created during the pandemic lockdown when dancing in person was impossible. Janine got her inspiration for this form of… View item

Circle Up Zine (Volume 1) - A collection of square dances and thoughts towards promoting inclusivity

This is a square dance calling resource that features inclusive square dance adaptations, in the form of a printed zine. When caller/dancer/organizer Becky Hill envisioned the project, she enlisted 17… View item