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Bruce Johnson interview
This interview with a young Bruce Johnson-- he's 25 at the time-- was conducted by Mildred Buhler as part of her "Calling All Folk Dancers" radio program in 1950-1951. (The illustration is from 20… View itemSound
Square Dance Time - Tommy Cavanagh
Two clips from Tommy Cavanagh's "Square Dance Time" album., excerpts from "Hoedown Boogie" and "Boil that Cabbage." Callers in Great Britain from time to time… View itemSound
Wakamono Tachi - Masaru Wada
Excerpt from recording by caller Masaru Wada, with calls in English but with additional lyrics in Japanese View itemDocument
Masaru Wada - 2010 Milestone Award
Text of the CALLERLAB Milestone award presented to caller Masaru Wada of Japan, as well as the speech made by Mike Seastrom in presenting the award. Seastrom acknowledged, "While there are other… View itemDocument
Square Dance Clubs, Texas Style
This is a detailed description of the organizational plan of the Sally Goodin square dance club of Houston, Texas, which followed a common Texas model at the time: "Most of the square dancing… View itemDocument
Don't Forget, Callers, Our Style Is Always Showing
This is a copy of a section of the minutes of a meeting of the Southern California Callers Association. Bob Van Antwerp presented the training session on the subject of dancing style and how callers… View itemDocument
Jim Mayo - "Little Black Book"
This is caller Jim Mayo's book of dances, dating from the 1950s and into the 1960s. It's a good example of a serious caller's repertoire during this period.For comparison with another well-known New… View itemDocument
Santa Monica 1950 - Don Ward comments
The Trad-Dance-Callers listserv in 2008 had a discussion that touched on the Santa Monica dance. Don Ward was a participant in that event and he shared a few memories with the group. View itemDocument
Santa Monica 1950 - interview with Bob Osgood
As part of his extensive series of interviews with notable figures in the square dance world, Bob Brundage conducted a lengthy interview with Bob Osgood. Included here is the part of that discussion… View itemDocument
Santa Monica 1950 - interview with Dan Allen
"Calling All Folk Dancers" was a weekly radio show created by California caller Mildred Buhler. The next show after the Santa Monica dance included an interview with Dan Allen; this is a… View itemDocument
Santa Monica 1950 - Sets in Order
Bob Osgood was editor and publisher of Sets in Order; he was also one of the prime organizers of the Santa Monica event. Here is his magazine's story about the dance. View itemDocument
Santa Monica 1950 - Let's Dance
Cover story about the Santa Monica dance from Let's Dance magazine View item
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