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Your Favorite Calls and Callers
This booklet features 30 callers, the majority of whom are from Texas. Each person is represented by a short biography, a photograph, and an example of a dance associated with them. Texas callers and… View itemSound
Fenton "Jonesy" Jones - interview
This lengthy interview (nearly three hours) with Fenton Jones was conducted by Bob Dalsemer and Drew Tronvig in Los Angeles in 1985. Dalsemer recalls: "In November, 1985 I toured the West Coast… View itemDocument
Al Brundage and Allemande Thar
After Al Brundage went to Lloyd Shaw's summer school in 1949, he played an important role in introducing modern squares to his dancers in Connecticut. He went on to become an important caller in the… View itemSound
The Old Square Dance Is Back Again - Carolina Cotton
For this 1949 recording,on the Mastertone label, Carolina Cotton (aka the Yodeling Blonde Bombshell) was joined by Fenton "Jonesy" Jones. The release was timely, as the late 1940s saw the dramatic… View itemMoving Image
Fenton "Jonesy" Jones calling square dance
Fenton "Jonesy" Jones made numerous appearances as a square dance caller in Hollywood movies. This is one example; if a viewer can identify the source, we'll update that information in this site and… View itemSound
Two singing squares - Fenton "Jonesy" Jones
1) Solomon LeviFrom his series of Square Dances by Jonesy, this singing square features a simple figure that appears in other traditional dances.2) Darling Nellie GrayFrom the same album. As one… View itemMoving Image
Texas Whirlwind - Rickey Holden
Holden teaches the figures, starting with a review of Catch All Eight, a traditional figure from West Texas that became part of modern square dance: right hand turn halfway around, then left hand turn… View itemDocument
The Caller - Jonesy
A list of qualifications and items to consider for would-be square dance callers View itemSound
Your Home Town - Fenton "Jonesy" Jones
A rare live recording of Jonesy calling, this time a singing square. View itemSound
Ends Turn In - Fenton "Jonesy" Jones
This is a rare live recording of Fenton “Jonesy” Jones from California. In the 1954 tape he says that he prefers to use his guitar for music rather than records even for some of the patter… View itemDocument
Fenton "Jonesy" Jones - Sets in Order, February 1961
Cover drawing and appreciation of the caller View itemDocument
Asilomar 1953 - Sets in Order Summer Institute
Note: Several of these files are large and will take longer to load.The first three files are part of the binder presented to participants at the 6th annual Sets in Order Institute held at the… View item
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